Under the guise of a humanitarian mission
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced yesterday that troops currently residing in Syria will stay there until 1. Isis is defeated 2. Assad is gone and 3. refugees are returned. This is not only a direct 180 from Trump's campaign promise to stay out of Syria and to let the Syrian people worry about governing themselves but they are now actively seeking to take out a democratically elected leader in order to guide a regime change into a direction that will ultimately benefit the deep state.
In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth interviews former presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul
about this latest announcement coming from Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in regards to the "new" Syrian strategy and what the implication may be for the American people.
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Gotta love Ron Paul, he is so honest and consistent and I'm truly honored to be in a position to be able to interview the likes of someone like him!
Why did you upvote your own comment?
Ron Paul is the only politician i almost like
Sir @pressfortruth, how are you this is @sorenkierkegaard from Philippines.
I will definitely be paying attention to the news out of Syria and N. Korea. I've often thought about how a one-world government could occur while dictators remain in power. Now I wonder how it would occur with any leader that doesn't follow the Deep State. The chaos going on around the world is truly shocking and disgusting. Thank you for posting this informative interview with Dr. Paul.
The more seeds of chaos get sown the more profits of war they can harvest. Sad thing, really.
exactly. Order from chaos. Eventually people tire of the chaos and cry out for a new order. I think that's exactly what they want.
Double-dip when you offer your own services and experts to help you "rebuild" your country, and triple-dip when you have your own multi-nationals extract resources! Win-win-win everybody.
I wish Ron's audio was a bit clearer, really hard to hear what he's saying over the distortion and popping.
He has a good point about the possibility of something bad happening in Korea. That would definitely push sentiment there towards being more receptive to war.
Lolll at him pointing out that even those in Congress are unaware of what's going on. Really true that it's the people that have to be awake for things to happen. No one profiting from a war effort or getting campaign funding from a war machine is going to vote against more interventionism.
He's right, peace is more profitable for the people and war only benefits the few. Russia did die a death by a thousand cuts economically, and many believe their attempt at meddling in the Middle East finally broke their back. Let's not make the same mistake twice. (Or thrice?)
I'm pretty sure Afghanistan has been in a state of war as long as people have lived there. We're just the current year.
Yeah it's pretty sad that that's been a thing.
Just an other order out of chaos senerio 😒
Ugh... this is seriously disappointing. Betcha Russia will have their "humanitarian" folks out there too. All of them being combat ready on both sides, I'm sure.
When the news on Steemit is more trustworthy than a billion dollar news channel. I like this account very straightforward.
There is an article on RT news of all the excuses that the US has used to justify their presence in Syria. It appears that they want to turn it into another Libya, hope it doesn't happen.
interesting news...
I got insight and knowledge
Excellent post :)
Us will stay in syria until f*** isis is defeated. Wonderful !! But can’t US defeat bloody isis if they want that??

They'd rather have it be a thorn in Russia's side by fueling conflicts in Russia-aligned regions, so fanning the flames is a gamble that the US is better equipped to deal with a long series of proxy wars than Russia is.
Love Ron Paul, he's done so much
Great point about * why is US trying to police the situation. Probably something more to this than we being informed of.
How about why the hell is the US telling Syria who can be their President?
This is why the US is in Syria.
Great interview Dan! Just love Ron Paul, he would be great as US president !
I have watched the 180 degree backflip on Syria happening over the last couple weeks, and it has cost Trump any hope I had in him. I have also noted his tweets aren't coming from a position of power anymore, rather he's commenting as if he wishes he could wield power.
I think he's been neutralized, and the deep state is in charge again. I don't think he ever had much chance anyway, despite his flagrant zionism, that he might have expected to be enough.
Up until Christmas, Trump's policy on ISIS had cost the terrorists 98% of the territory they had conquered with US training, orders, and materiel, because I think Trump no longer provided any of it to them.
I think we are back to Obama era policy of funding the terrorists, and probably are going to war with Russia as a result.
Buy gold, guns, and dairy goats.
As long as we have ZIONIST FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS like the ones in CANADA , MEXICO , and The USA corporation then we will not achieve maximum peace and prosperity . We all need to get rid of the things that divide us and find unity and common ground to protect our children and our families and loved ones . Being at constant war and invading sovereign countries will never work . Regime change has to start with our own federal criminal institutions before we become a part of history and a bloody revolution tears this planet apart . Yes I said planet , because we can no longer pretend that cause and affect don’t matter . We are a global community , and just like when you have to get along with your neighbors , we also have to get along with our neighbors . GOVERMENT has become WAY to intrusive , and needs to be tied down by its people . The surveillance apparatus should be turned on them . If a cop doesn’t like a citizen recording them for possible infractions on a citizen then that cop no longer has a JOB and pension and benefits must be returned imidiately or face prison time as well . YES we need to be that harsh on those in our governmental structure and they must be reminded constantly that they work for us . That WE ARE THE BOSSES ❗️And like a real boss we must hire and fire and get away from life long politicians that do not have our best interest at heart . If your not financially secure , and your GOVERMENT doesn’t allow you the means to protect yourself then your living under a dictatorship and not a free democratic system . And we must act quick for there is no time to form committees to explore on how to go about it for decades and then end up where we started . Remember these PSYCHOPATHS HAVE NUKES‼️Everyone gets concerned when there is a man with a gun , but no one is paying attention to the one holding the most nuclear weapons on the planet ⁉️ Wake up and smell the radiation sheeple . Thank you for another great video 👏👍✌🏼♥️👊🏻