Wikileaks just dropped another bomb today. I jumped in for a quick search for "pizza". The term came up under a bitcoin email.
It appears that "" is laughing at bitcoin, talking to "" (Macron's former political consultant). This person then realizes:
"ofc you can also purchase pizza 🌎 Interesting."
Of course! Pizza is the first thing I also think of when considering what to use bitcoin for. And why does this person link pizza to the world/international/globe. Normally you buy pizza from down the street, not from across the country or world. Is this person a pizza industry tycoon?
For anybody who still doesn't know, "pizza" is a code word in the pedophile world for child.
Here's the link to this particular email:
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And what about the term "Interesting." Why exactly is it "Interesting" that you can buy "pizza 🌎". The code word is too obvious.