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RE: LAS VEGAS SHOOTING | New FBI Docs Confirms Stephen Paddock Was An Arms Dealer

in #news7 years ago

Great work as always @fortified There was something really strange going on with this case. I mean Paddock ticked so many of the left wing media's talking points. Regardless of his political affiliations, he was a white middle aged male and hence the current boogie man of choice for those seeking to distract people from the real power structure and attach the problems of this world to a collective. It was also the worst shooting in U.S history! And yet the story dissapeared relatively quickly, I know how they usually work and they didn't milk it enough "never let a crisis go to waste".

To me this either hints that something went wrong or that people were beginning to get far to close to the truth! As with many world events I'm not sure we will ever hear the complete truth, but I really want to thank you for sticking with this, lifting the veil and continuing digging. Excellent work my friend!!