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RE: THIS is WHY the Deep State is Targeting Trump -- Liz Crokin

in #news8 years ago

Oh come on. You know that this is the kind of language that confuses people.
MOST DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO TREY GOWDY IS! Let alone that Daddy took his collar off and told him to have at them.


Now I'm confused. What language do you find confusing?

The Black Pill language. :)

I'm one of those folks who was following this part of the goings on since before the election. Whenever I'd talk about it before and after the election, I'd watch folks glaze over before going off on some Trump rant.

Granted, I've been looking into MK Ultra/Monarch for years... and if you know what I mean, then you understand why I can go so deep into this stuff without being overwhelmed. It all lines up, especially if you've ever read Trance-Formation of America by Cathy O'Brien.

So with that kind of internet-research background, everything we're seeing in the news is just what's bubbling up from the deep.

But no matter what... the leftists will still glaze over and think this is about Trump or whatever nonsense they're on about this time.

Also, I've been black pilling everyone on my feed and telling everyone that it was Seth Rich before the election. But... y'know how that goes.

Folks would just try to say something about Russia, ignoring the hookers peeing on each other part, call me a conspiratard, and try to tell me I'm unhinged for being so anti-Hillary which only proves that I'm ultra pro-Trump... or whatever... and then completely go on to ignore the CONTENT of the Podesta e-mails (especially). Who gives a god damn where it came from... they admitted that the e-mails are legit!

But like I said... anyone who's old school conspiracy theory... none of this stuff is new... it's just new that it's so open and vindicating.

Gotcha, I get it. As I've said many times in interviews, the sheeple people are not even equipped with the knowledge to discuss these topics, it's like a foreign language to them. They don't even know what a central bank is, so how could they even begin to discuss the theft of their labor via banker usury and inflation, much less topics like Satanic ritual abuse?

Preeeeetty much. They don't understand what it means that the Federal Reserve isn't actually Federal. They don't give credence to the lineages that control the financial institutions, and they're immediately turned off via program whenever something that goes against the provided narrative comes up. Advertising = Mass Manipulation.

SRA is a fun one because it's one of those "Big Evils" in the sense that it's so ridiculous, no one would believe it. Whether or not the practitioners actually believe in it, it's a very intimidating cover. So long as they really do rape and sacrifice children, so long as they do it in elaborate rituals with "no no" symbolism, as long as they really are only doing it because that's the only way for them to make an agreement on anything (brownstones keep everyone "honest" amongst thieves)... then it's so absolutely absurdist that you'd simply HAVE to be crazy to believe any of it!

Then when you get through that, you can entertain the thought of "what if they DO believe in it?" because now they're unhinged psychosociopaths, which isn't much better than them bs'ing it just to ward off the idiots and religious types.

They invert even their own perversions. I had to take a break for a bit when I really got into it years ago... and now I'm just unphased and even hunt nonces from time to time.