Ukraine War Breaking News: 5 civilians injured by an artillery attack

in #news7 years ago (edited)

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Dear Patrick,
Thanks for the latest report. I would be interested in hearing your views on America's decision to send advanced weaponry to the Ukrainian junta?
It is quite clear that with 4 generals in Trump's cabinet that the Pentagon and military-industrial complex is in complete charge of US foreign policy. The US has no intention of giving up its foothold in Ukraine now that it has a puppet goverment in Kiev. The war in the Donbass will be kept rumbling on by the US as a means of pressuring Putin who has elections coming up this year.
The EU will keep up the sanctions on Russia using the war in the Donbass as an excuse while turning a blind eye to the daily war crimes committed by the Ukrainian Armed Foreces. The daily reports provided by OCSE observers prove quite clealry that the Kiev junta is sheeling civilian settlements in Donetsk and Lugansk.

Awesome job man you are just like a walking news channel for me @patricklancaster

Thank you for your excellent first person reports from Donbass Patrick. So sorry this is happening to the innocent people there. Upvoted and Resteemed.