I think Facebook was always a Deep state project. the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) created a Facebook like platform called Lifelog which, coincidentally, was cancelled as a project on the same day that Facebook launched. I'm not claiming Facebook sprang from Lifelog but I don't believe in coincidences either.
When we look at the links between Abacus and the intelligence agencies, the long involvement of the CIA and other Deep State actors in Silicon Valley and other, numerous, connections I strongly believe the intention was always to coral the masses in centrally controlled 'hubs' on the internet.
However, as people interested in the dissemination of counter narratives and evidence which questions establishment proclamations we have a problem. While IPFS, Minds, Steeemit, Akasha, Etherium and so on offer the potential for true decentralisation they also offer the potential for all of us to be corralled into seperate spaces from the people we are trying to reach. We end up preaching to the converted which. I suggest, is missing the point somewhat.
Interesting times ahead that's for sure.