Thank you @klye As a relative newcomer to this platform (not even here a month), I was desperate to be featured by one of these promoters. But I can't beg, it is not in my nature, so I decided to forget about it and carry on. I've since had some moderate successes (though for me they were awesome!!!) and am cottoning on to the Steemit method of self promotion. What I take away so far is that it is a series of HONEST, positive interactions with like minded people.
I was recently "featured" by one of your above mentioned, but found it strange that I wasn't asked first. Still, my article was already posted under my own name, so no harm done. I think open and honest discussion of all topics is the way to go. Without seeming overly dramatic, I wish for a societal change, and many of the Steemit articles and actual atmosphere, seems like a (very tiny, but better than nothing) step in that direction.