
Even worse... They seem to be winning.

Their not winning the battle for my mind! LoL

Me neither, they would have a job on their hands, lol!

They would have a hell of a time trying to follow any maps of my mind too, LoL. Too many unmarked dead ends and roundabouts.

Lol, I agree, same applies to me as well. Trump is trying compared to some of the past presidents

Show me the wall to hit my head at! :|

It's 360 degrees all around you. You can't miss it :-)

Around 4m mark, best explanation of what is deep state that i heard yet. Not some unknown dark sci-fi concept of even illuminati - it's more like your everyday elitism, capitalism and corruption... I avoid a lot of these American talk show things however this one does seem to be one of the better ones, thanks!

Some of my best friends' frogs are gay.

are you supporting #Trump or are you against him?

I am for any federal level politician in the U.S. who tries to limit the powers of the federal government back to what is allowed by their Constitution (which I believe to be a divinely inspired document). Trump fits that description more than any of the preceding 4 or 5 U.S. presidents, Democrat and Republican. No wonder he is so hated by people trying to hang on to their power. (I am not an American)

if he is this much good, then why people hate him!
yesterday i talked to an american, he said he is the one who is involve in kidnapping of youngsters etc etc .

You are obviously a victim of the war. Your mind has been captured by the bullshit spin doctors' minions. I pray that you will be able to escape from your imprisonment :-) (but only if you value freedom - perhaps you don't)

He abducts and he then EATS THEM!

Hence his nickname, Trump, the eater of children!

Idiot Corporation-following Americans think Trump is kidnapping children... Trump ended Obama's horrible policies and yet he's blamed every time:/ Never trust the corporate media they don't care about Truth.

42 min 26 sec! How did you miss one second?

I admit it. I'm not perfect. (but nearly so, LoL, just one second off)

When you play the video, it's shows 42:26 but when it start playing, it shows the same he wrote.

So I am perfect after all! (my mother in heaven will be so pleased)

yes you are perfect but the things is no one is perfect, then you are perfect but you are also no perfect, but still mother will be pleased <3

This is what I've been listening to for the past 12 minutes. What a coincidence!!!

What i like the most about this video ;) I think i don't need to tell you ;) you can guess it easily :P

You can't possibly have watched it if you replied within 10 minutes of my posting it ;)

I'm watching it, The old woman is a fan of Donald Trump. she said Donald Trump has decrease unemployment.

what the fuck? It ok to be against anyone but this kinda acts are shameful. How they can beat innocent people like this?

Hmm! I think you're criticizing, but subtly and very intellectually. But, look what they do ...

great is very informative and learnble too....thank for sharing

We’ve got a President who’s a GRU asset.

this is something new to me ans i learn something from this, love to read it.

There is a war, and always will be...

Of course they are not winning ir for everybody mind

my mind is in a period of peace! :)

Wars nowadays are fought through the news and on football fields... Getting one single truth from the news is like trying to solve a Rubik's cube unless you know how to do it you are going to spend lots and lots of time on it...

Even though I don't like trump I must say I'm impressed with him, North Korea is finally more chill against other countries and going in "the right direction" slowly, really slowly but it is going... and the whole MS-13 thing I still haven't done any research, only heard about it some days ago but from what I heard he is actually doing a really good job, it's not racism, it's deporting people that don't want to help your country and instead just want to exploit, rape, blow up, shoot your country....

My go-to place to get news now is steemit, getting the info and facts from people that are there and know what they are talking about, at least steemians aren't controlled by the gov(i hope)

It's very interesting article. I have subscribed to you, I hope for mutual subscription

Alex Jones has been exposed as a control misinformation agent! He will say lots of truth to gain support. But when the crunch came, he would not be succinct. I have seen contradictions in his work. Also he has facial surgery and he was a actor trained for this job. He admitted it himself in one of his videos!

There was a time I listened to Alex. He has lost creditability among many of us. Sad. He once was good. If you are going to do tin foil hats I would drop the 'ex' in Alex and do Weird Al. Better choice! Enjoy!

That ain't breaking news it's been going on for decades !

This is really very interesting.lets see what happens.

It was my dream yesterday night and still I am dreaming.

My MIND is MINE which is at PEACE✌

Posted using Partiko Android

😶... nice show!