Witness: On the highway Karaganda - Astana boss masked gunmen

in #news8 years ago

To the Editor Tengrinews.kz asked a man who claims that on the highway Karaganda - Astana, near Temirtau, witnessed the attempts of armed attack.

"On July 12, the first one in the morning we drove from Karaganda to Astana. There were five people. After we passed Temirtau, just 3-4 km we clipped the Subaru Forester cherry color with Kyrgyz numbers. With the rear seat jumped the guy in the mask with . gun Our driver immediately reacted - gave sharply back, we turned around and drove toward the city, because when we passed Temirtau seen how was the police and so we just drove up to them and asked them to come with us, since those. guys we have pursued together with the police, we drove 700 meters and suddenly see that same car -.. Subaru Forester cherry color with Kyrgyz numbers policemen demanded to leave there were two young men, they came out and said they were just standing here because their car. broke ", - said the man.

Eyewitnesses written statement to the police. As told Tengrinews.kz interlocutor, he spoke to reporters because he wanted to inform all the people, that on the highway Karaganda - Astana was such an incident.

In Karaganda region told us the press service of the Interior Department that such an event took place.

"This fact is registered in the Unified Register of pre-trial investigation under Article 24 (" Preparation for a crime and attempted crime ") and Part 2 of Article 200 (" Illegal occupation of automobile or other vehicle without a purpose of plunder ") of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In hot pursuit of this Subaru car was detained in it were two boys, were found when testing the car salon mask and gun for the moment to carry out inspections and effect "-.. informed in the press service.