Smartphone Owners Can Rejoice: Scientists Find A Way To Charge Smartphone Batteries Faster!!

in #news8 years ago

One of the problems with your smartphone is that it needs to be charged, and it takes time. But now scientists claim to have found a way to recharge these batteries much quicker, which should be good news for phone addicts, whose major problem was the time it takes to recharge it!

Because of its high energy density, rechargeable lithium batteries have helped power the "portable revolution" in mobile phones, laptops and tablet computers, and this new finding should boost its capabilities further.

Scientists find a way to charge smartphone batteries much faster [Photo Source]

Researchers from the University of Bath in the UK, and the University of Illinois at Chicago have found that adding charged metal atoms to tunnel structures within batteries improves their performance, and discovered that adding positively charged ions increased how fast lithium moves within the tunnel structures, which is crucial to improving the charging of batteries.

Professor Saiful Islam, from the University of Bath has said,

Understanding these processes is important for the future design and development of battery materials, and could lead to faster charging batteries that will benefit consumers and industry

So for the layman this is good news, for even if you are interrupted in your use of a device due to its charge running low, you can recharge it again in a jiffy and continue with what it was you were doing!

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good news

Faster charging would make battery life less important which would be a good thing. Of course faster charging and even longer battery life would be the best!

If improvements to Lithium ion batteries are somehow made, then the next step seems to be figuring out how to mass produce graphene to solve the resistance problem with copper wiring and other inefficiencies that waste battery life.