Back in the day I used to copblock and then it turned to open carry activism. I used blogger religiously to push my message and until 2011 I was listed in google searches. About mid 2012 I noticed a sharp decrease in my viewers and then suddenly by the end of the year my channel was demonitized not being family friendly. About 2014 my accounts were deactivated and when I was finally able to get them back my youtube and blogger was scrubbed.
Fuck google.
I truly can't think of a single example where their ethics have been shown to be good.
the irony and hypocrisy of Google can be summed up in their original slogan Don't Do Evil - like you I can't think of one thing that they have done which is good. They do exactly what they claimed they wouldn't - that's evil.
I saw a news story yesterday (just after I wrote my comment) talking about Googles use of AI to identify heart disease from eye exams. Many would think think this is 'good work' - but I am just reminded of secrect societies who are seen to be doing 'good works' in the public 'eye' - while all manner goes on in the shadows. I find the connecting of AI to heart and even 'eye' itself to be symbolic and disturbing.
I saw that headline but didn't read it. It disturbed me. The lower levels in that secret society probably do some good works but it's the higher level ones that concern me.
I forgot to say - I started a you tube (google) channel a few years ago. One of my first videos got 143,000 views in 4 weeks and plenty of likes and positive comments. Two years later it has 146,000 views. Google obviously suppressed it from search results and recommendations.
Page, Brin and Schmidt have stabbed humanity in the back!
Oh yes, absolutely - the real history of social networking is one of massive control hidden behind primary colour logos. I started out on which was pretty much totally uncontrolled - it was great and I learned a lot in a short time there. Then around the time that facebook got bit, Cisco bought and ran it into the ground. I do not consider that to be a chance timing.