
Right! Its been talked about for sometime now but it's nice to see it actually play out in action.
It's perfect for a heavily corrupt political climate such as minor countries in Africa.

i am attempting to pioneer a blockchain application that has yet to be implemented. thankfully I have the Steemit community to help, because I am also 'too lazy and ignorant to pull it off myself!'

I am proposing a blockchain app that allows neighborhoods to allocate municipal bonds in the form of crypto to each resident in the community, who then create and vote on proposals for neighborhood improvement projects (the winning proposal would then use the crypto to execute the project, sort of like GoFundMe). I would love your input and feedback since I have no idea what I am doing but I believe blockchain will be the future of community building.

Sounds like a very cool concept. I'm a decent programmer, but sadly I know absolutely nothing about programming dapps. I've also been notoriously lazy about working on any significant projects away from the office. I'm going to follow you since I'd definitely like to see how this progresses though!

Hey, that's actually a good idea!

I think it would be easiest if it were positioned in a way where it doesn't seem like a foreign tech such as crypto. Something branded in a way where it seems to fit in with other tools the local gov already uses. Also, an influencer in local gov on your side would do wonders for it. After you have the kincks worked out with devs, thats where i'd start.

thank you very much. Figuring out who can mentor/ get us connected will be the key indeed.

I hope to post the updated version within the next couple weeks, where I address the community's feedback.