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RE: Restaurant Owner at the Center of Pizzagate, James Alefantis, Answers Questions About Pizzagate Outside Comet Pizza

in #news8 years ago

The death of Monica Petersen.
The death of Andrew Breitbart.
Planned Parenthood okaying child sex traffickers for abortions for girls as young as 13.
10,000 missing refugee kids (at least).
How about those?


What reason is there to connect any of those to Podesta and HRC and the wikileaks emails?

Let's try and stick to a coherent story here. I'm pointing out that the current accusations being made based on the wikileaks emails are unfounded and you've replied by making more unfounded accusations without justify the first.

Are you able to show anything in those emails is linked to other things without invoking the 4chan decoder? is a good start...this is the sweet laura silsby who seems to have gotten into trouble trying ot traffick 33 haitian children. The clintons came to her rescue apparently with the help of their "foundation".

@contentjunkie...there is no reason i can think of on what she is giving. Though all of it seems to add up to give us a story, it is something we cannot prove. Which means that if we are TOO emphatic about getting to the "truth" but are unwilling to recognize we could be completely wrong (about a .5% chance but still a chance) ....and at that point we can be attacked for folding to "fake news". Then the powers that be can attack "fake news" and have more reason to censor grassroots media ---citing this case.

We have to be EQUALLY interested in disproving this as we are in proving it if we want to do justice to this case.