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RE: What disgusts you ?

in #news5 years ago

I can`t believe there are still people talking bad about Zhang Muyi over 7 YEARS since the start of the relationship for gods sake they are happy and married together now and he is as you said far from a pedo. for one a pedo or child sex abuser does not go outta their way to marry their victim second they sure as heck would not sit around and stay with said person for YEARS and even respectfully wait those said years till they are ready to get married and such. I mean damn Zhang and Miki relationship was so tame that they never once slept with one another nevermind that never even actually kissed as far as I saw just held hands and did some adorable thing they often did with their fingers where it formed like a sorta heart? or something I do not know you will have to see photos of them see what I am talking about.

But it makes me upset to no end that relationships like these are treated in such a way. Miki is what 19 now? she is gonna be out f her teens at 20 but that is besides the point that stuff aside this relationship was nowhere near pedophilia!! It really gets annoying that people throw around the word and attache it to so much where it does not belong! you use every other word correctly right? so the same should be applied to the use of peodphilia or pedophile. Shame on this author for misusing the term when they should clearly know better and shame on them for even relating this relationship that has stood for years and still going on to something as terrible and twisted as some pedo actually victimizing some small child.

Also haha I was not expecting to this artical at all but I got here through your page haha so hello once again Epicenterdefacto and wonderful comment from you. you pretty much summed everything up something that I myself I feel I would not be able to explain as well as you did and clarify. That and I am tired and exhausted heh I am mentally burned right now so me really putting much down right now is not going to happen. I thought about leaving my own comment here but I really do not have the mindset to do so right now.


Well, naglfar94, outrageously enough, after posting my above reply to this article, I found evidence that this same article may have been plagiarized from another post that I came across on the Quora platform. That is, unless the above Steemian is the same person as the one who posted it on Quora. I actually bookmarked the Quora site from whence the above article was copied. I tried to bring it up again on the Internet just a few minutes ago, but it has been deleted. Why? I don't know. If the Steemian who posted the above article is the same person who initially posted the contents of it on Quora, then I will be the first to apologize to him for accusing him of plagiarism. However, if he did plagiarize it as I suspect, then I think that that on its own is lousy of him.

So this could have possibly been over from another site? and it is possible this one might not even be the author of this? wow damn. It is really strange though that shortly after on Quora the post mysteriously vanished..hmmm I don`t know it just might be plagiarised

I looked around through his other posts on his Steemit channel, and he's actually been flagged by the Cheetah for plagiarism.