Apparently This is the Cause of the Ottoman Empire's Ottoman Empire

in #news7 years ago

Was it possible that the Ottoman Empire capable of undermining the greatness of the Roman Empire could have suffered a severe collapse? The answer is on the figure of Ibrahim Muteferrika.

Who is he?

In 1729, Muteferrika was the first to bring the printing press to Turkey introduced by Gutenberg in Europe. Previously sultan Bayezid II and Selim I banned all attempts to import printing presses into Turkey.

Unfortunately, Muteferrika was always overshadowed by the pressure and fear. What's wrong Muteferrika? Not Muteferrika's fault, but the printing press.

The fear and suspicion of the Ottoman sultans that the Muteferrika printing machine could be used to inflame the revolution made the Ottoman sultans apply various censors to Muteferrika's activities, so that in his lifetime Muteferrika could only print 17 book titles.
