the supreme meulaboh

in #news7 years ago

Ika Kedapatan Smoking in Complex in Meulaboh, can Didenda of Rp 100 Ribu/Orang.

MEULABOH - Chairman of the Wealth in Baitul Makmur Meulaboh, Aceh Barat, Anwar said, for masyarakat/perokok is caught smoking in the Great Mosque Baitul Makmur Meulaboh, will be subject to a fine of Rp 100 ribu/orang.

The refers to the Qanun No. 14 of 2015 on the Rules of the Without Cigarettes (KTR) in the West.

I pity is that qanun (a smoking ban) this we don't work, how much budget to deliver products the said law, said.

Therefore, in the presence of the implementation of the rules of the ban on smoking in the Great Mosque Baitul Makmur Meulaboh, then, it is hoped that the awareness of citizens not to smoke in the house of worship will increase and the number of pilgrims who worship at the mosque, he added.

Well, for those who don't want to be hit by a fine due to smoking in the mosque complex, it's good to comply with these rules.