Facebook-Twitter is a threat to democracy?

in #news7 years ago

Not too far away The social media of communication appeared before us with the commitment of healthy, rich and dynamic democracy. As a tool for democracy, everybody became a fifth in praise of social media. But recently the role of social media in the politics of different countries has led to debate. Whether this medium is a threat to democracy, the question is moving back and forth.

In 2009, the protest movement (green revolution) that spread across the country on Iran's controversial presidential election, its credit is given to social media like Facebook and Twitter.

The 'Arab Spring' spread like wildfire for the benefit of social media. In the face of intense protests of Arab people of all walks of life inspired by democracy, the dictatorship of several countries, including Tunisia, Egypt, has fallen. The political influence of social media in the Arab Spring is astonishing to everyone.

Social media made communication easy. Opinion freedom is broad. The emergence of this medium was believed to be more durable in the existing democracy. It was assumed that the fallover of the authoritarian regime has come again. But the rude reality is that our expectations on social media have stumbled a lot.

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other social media sites have become fake information pilots. The Freedom House publishes the annual report on the Internet in the middle of this month. The report, titled 'Freedom on the Net 2017', said the elections in 18 countries across the world have been affected in the last one year on the Internet.

Russia has been accused of 'interfering' in the 2016 presidential election. Investigation in the United States is going on with this complaint In the meantime, the Facebook authorities have acknowledged that almost 80 thousand posts from Russia were posted before and after the last year's US presidential election, from June 2015 to August 2017. You can see 12 million 60 million users of Russia's informal posts on Facebook. The results of the use of Russian-related twitter accounts and YouTube channels to influence the end of the last US presidential election. In an outgoing speech, Barack Obama said, "Democracy is in danger."

Politics in different countries of the world are getting nasty. The emergence of hardliners is happening. Promotions (propaganda), divisive and false information are flowing like strong currents. The same trend is seen throughout Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America, Australia. Social media is also responsible for this trend.

Social media as the free medium of expression has already been appreciated, but now its negative aspects have become thorn in neck. The mischief is misusing social media to streamline public opinion. The authoritarian regimes are using this network to counter dissent. They are recruiting up to 'cyber warrior' in this work. In this context, North Carolina University sociologist Zenit Tupacci noted that social media helped the Arab spring. And now it is used against dissenters.

Andrew Wishbard, Fellow of the Alliance for Security Democracy, said all miscreants smack their motives, misusing Facebook and Twitter.

In one of his articles by researchers Tim Chambers, describing how social media is becoming frightening for elections and democracy, he gave details.

In a report in June this year, a group of Oxford University researchers said that social media like Facebook and Twitter have become a tool for social control in many countries. These researchers have researched the social media of 28 countries. They concluded that in their studies, there is a social media campaign of every authoritarian regime targeting the people of their own country.

Analysts emphasize on accountability and accountability of the ownership of the social media in emerging companies. They can improve their algorithm to prevent extra-data. It is heard that the companies are working continuously in this regard. Combined efforts and awareness are needed to drive the power of social media to the welfare.


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