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RE: Australian Woman Shot by Cop

in #news8 years ago (edited)

You keep running away from the truth.

The cop will likely be convicted because he is a black (enemy number one), Somalian (damn immigrants), Muslim (terrorist) who shot a white female (angel who can't do any wrong).

I'm sorry if my bluntness offends you. Not really...


Well you are entitled to your opinion.Pre-judgment is the root of the problem so this has been the perfect example of the point I was trying to make. Thanks for being you. @mmaartmartial

No need for personal attacks because the truth frightens you guy.

Quotes from you. It's been personal, I was just choosing to avoid it. I was thanking you for illustrating my point so masterfully. Couldn't have found a better object lesson if I tried. No attack. Just a little sarcasm. No hard feelings, just a tough situation and a lot of opinions.

"Don't expect others to give a fuck now that you're uncomfortable with who the victim is"

"It's hard to take your social justice warrior claims that you were just as bothered by all the minorities being shot when you're still holding on to a stance that this shooting was somehow more egregious"

"You're just more empathetic towards this victim because she looks more like you, you mother, and those you care about"

Okay, you can have the last word bro...