Have you Heard the Good News?: Law for the proud, Grace to the humble.

in #news7 years ago


Spoiler Alert!

This Article is about Jesus and the salvation he offers.

That being said please, please, please humor me and don't write me off as the stereotypical religious guy with beautiful hair and great teeth sporting a tucked in collard button up shirt with a handful of evangelical tracts.

The Lord wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts!
- A bright person

So to start my case for Christ allow me to paint a picture:

"All rise! for the honorable Judge Soandso" the bailiff cries out to a courtroom filled with onlookers. (i can't help but think of Petri Hawkins-Byrd or just "Byrd" as Judy calls him)

You struggle to rise to your feet as the shackles that bind your hands and feet jingle and clink together subtly. You strain as you hunch over to try to wipe your sweat dripping brow.

your mouth is dry, legs shaky, hearts pounding as the overwhelming feeling of fear encompasses your spirit.

You know your judgment is imminent.

(a bunch of court-ish stuff happens)

Judge Soandsos eyes lock onto yours like a bloodthirsty animal ready for a kill, you hold your breath and swallow hard and pray he's not a Just Judge.

adjective: just; superlative adjective: justest
based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair.
"a just and democratic society."
fair, fair-minded, equitable, even-handed, impartial, unbiased, objective, neutral, disinterested, unprejudiced, open-minded, nonpartisan

Your crime? Pick one; I've chosen a children's example to nip any confusion in the butt hopefully.

10 comandment.jpg
Source: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/306737424609674311/

These are the ten commandments given to Moses that started the Mosaic law and eventually ending with a total of 613 laws.

For whosoever shall keep the whole law,
and yet offend in one point,
he is guilty of all. -James 2:10 KJV

Merely meaning if you've ever, for example, told the smallest of lies, in the eyes of That almighty being our Father in Heaven you are just a guilty as murder and will be held accountable for your words, thoughts and actions one day and sentenced appropriately.

And The Father, being that All mighty JUST Judge that he is must and will judge you correctly as his ways are absolutely perfect and inerrant.

So, back to the courtroom. There you are in front of the judge

"Do you have anything to say for yourself before I make my Judgement"? demands the judge.

You gulp, and immediately start thinking to yourself "this is wrong all wrong! I'm not a bad guy this was all just a huge accident" I'm not a criminal!

"your honor I'm not supposed to be here I'm innocent! I'm not a bad guy honestly! I pay my taxes, help old ladies cross the road, I hold doors open for people, always like and comment "amen" on all those sick children memes, I do it all!!!

he's not impressed; he's been around, heard it all and knowest what truly is in your Heart of Hearts!


At which time you will be sentenced to prison, in this scenario it will be for ETERNITY yikes!
That is unless you had someone to step up for you and say "WAIT! Your Honor, I will take his/her place and pay the fine"!

And enter Jesus Christ and how sweet is his name.

He approaches the Judge's bench and exclaims that he alone will take YOUR place
for the crimes you have committed, But why?

Love? Yes, but the Law, no man could ever nor has ever come close to keeping the laws of the Ten Commandments let alone just one!
Our Father who (keep in mind) is a JUST, ALL-knowing, ETERNAL being who is from EVERLASTING to EVERLASTING. He does not react to anything, and his timing is always perfect, and his ways are without fault, he deserves all praise and glory. He is Perfect therefore his laws must be perfect, knowing we could never keep his commandments and the human race as a whole is bound for eternal suffering in the lake of fire, and rightly so at that, as we have all broken the Law and deserve to go to Hell regardless of what your opinion is.

His solution: Nothing but the Blood OF Jesus his Only-begotten Son, who he sent to the cross and with his blood paid the price for everyone who draws a breath, the breath that is the air he breathes in your lungs.

As you know if you are up on your ancient Hebrew history
and I am confident you are :) blood must always be shed to give
atonement for Sin.

noun: atonement; plural noun: atonements
reparation for a wrong or injury.
"she wanted to make atonement for her husband's behavior."
(in religious contexts) reparation or expiation for sin.
"an annual ceremony of confession and atonement for sin."
Christian Theology
the reconciliation of God and humankind through Jesus Christ.
noun: Atonement; term: the Atonement

noun: sin; plural noun: sins
an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.
"sin in the eyes of God."
immoral act, wrong, wrongdoing, an act of evil/wickedness, transgression, crime, offense, misdeed, a misdemeanor;
"sin in the eyes of God."
wickedness, wrongdoing, wrong, evil, evildoing, sinfulness, immorality, iniquity, vice, crime
offend against (God, a person, or a principle).
"I had sinned against my master."

There is nothing you can do to earn your salvation; it is a gift accepted by faith and given by grace.

A favorite saying about Gods grace is "Grace is when God gives us something we don't deserve, and Mercy is when God doesn't give us what we deserve."

there is no scorecard system to get into heaven.

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." - John 14:6 KJV
Come to Christ Today,

Search him out diligently and genuinely ask your God to make himself known to you and he will be faithful to do so.

"And ye shall seek me, and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13

if you have made it this far then thank you for your time and please feel free to message me with any questions.

-Your Brother in Christ @Mitchell360.