Creating a LIST? Really?

in #news7 years ago

“First they took away everyone’s ability to resist and nobody said anything.
Second they took away their right to information and nobody said anything.
Third they took away everyone’s ability to travel freely and nobody said anything.
Fourth they began arresting anyone who looked different and nobody said anything.
Then Adolph Hitler began the Second World War.”

The DHS is creating a list and calling it the “Media Monitoring Services.” And is a fairly comprehensive list of what they call “Media Influencers”. "the DHS seeks to track more than 290,000 global news sources”

The following is an article from FORBES and it outlines the newest effort of our Federal Government to control our lives. This is a very clear violation of “Freedom of the Press” and the “First Amendment of our Constitution” which guarantees FREEDOM of Speech.
What is exactly “Compiling a list” of over 250,000 Journalists and Media companies?

Check out the following article and make up your own mind. Keep in your thoughts that every Freedom we give up for the thought of Security is now more step closer to TOTALITARIAN rule here in the United States. We fought a war with Great Britain over this and our Country was NOT founded on the Principal of a MONARCHY. The first 3 WORDS of the Preamble of OUR Constitution is “WE THE PEOPLE” and they are all in Capital Letters indicating that our GOVERNMENT is “OF the citizenry of and FOR the Citizenry”

Last time ANYONE made a list of this magnitude in this country it was in the early ‘50s and was called the “Communist Black List” and was compiled by J. Edgar Hoover who was the head of the FBI. Do we really want to go back there?