Whom do you trust? Is there a person in your life with whom you would trust your very life, if necessary? A spouse…a parent…a sibling…a very good friend? Think about that person. And then realize that God loves you infinitely more than that person with whom you would trust your life!
We can trust someone who loves us perfectly…perfect love drives out all fear” 1 John 4:18.
“Then trust the Lord completely, don’t even trust yourself. In everything you do, put God first and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success.” Proverbs
Supongo que ese Dios y ese señor que mencionas tiene un nombre ¿Verdad?. Salmos 83: 18 " Para que la gente sepa que tu, cuyo nombre es Jehová , tú solo eres el altísimo sobre toda la tierra" Dios y Señor títulos no son nombres. Hay muchos dioses y muchos señores 1 corintios 8:5.