Today's Exclusive News from MintPress: Friday, January 4th

in #news6 years ago

Here are today's exclusive articles straight from MintPress News focused on topics and angles you won’t see anywhere in the corporate media.

Elizabeth Warren and the Military Industrial Complex

Warren’s views on countries in the crosshairs of the US State Department largely conform to those of her colleagues on Capitol Hill: Iran is a “bad actor,” Russia and China “are working to undermine the basic human rights we hold dear,” and so on.

Alexander Rubinstein

Click to learn more about this important fundraising campaign!

US Delivers Weapons & Ammo To Kurds Ahead of Syria Withdrawal

Ahead of the imminent US troop withdrawal, the US is sending large shipments of weapons to Kurdish rebel groups who have recently requested a no-fly zone be established over parts of Syria.

Alexander Rubinstein

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She is as much an Indian as some people are a 7th or 8th gender and I was downvoted for saying that there are 2 genders, here. Here is an upvote. Good work.