First off, I want everyone to support Klye for being honest and sharing he's opinion and observations. Steemit is the perfect place for freedom of speech. Big support for that Klye!
Interesting, I didn't know that dragon is gavvet's son, but nevertheless that doesn't change anything. I think all of them who feature other's have only the best intentions to do so. But it's not their fault that, they are getting up voted for it and that their readers don't follow/up vote the "original" artist (I'm referring to hidden gems). You see in my time here I've experienced some very bad comments and hate on my posts due to ignorance(that drives me crazy). People would read my posts and somehow skip the disclaimer or base their comment by the post title, resulting in a generic or most of the time very offensive comment to the author(me). That also explains why people don't necessarily "visit" the featured posts. Fact is people generally skip any links you have in your post(speaking from my own experience). Another thing I'd like to add is, all known "vote betting", users will up vote dragon's feature post just, to "bet" on it and trying to get that curation since it's a "safe bet", what is wrong. I do partially agree that they "reap" to many benefits, but than again with a great spotlight comes a great price? To sum this up, it's not their fault, it's mostly the users fault.
Klye I made your "follow button" to work:

This is the code:
<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a></center>
Thank you @minion you've since day one always been fast to give me praise on my work and I appreciate you commenting on most of my work. We all have voices here and we must not be afraid to speak our minds out of fear of larger accounts attacking us. While I do not agree with some of the things that may be done I cannot help but see it in a different light after reading all of these comment and talking to so many about the issue.
The safe bet idea is a neat one. The curation system soon becomes gamed when you have people getting whale botted and you'll see both intentional and unintentional abuses of parties when you start blindly shooting copious curation rewards on posts that really do not merit it.
Thank you for the html code Sir!. I was trying to figure out how to trigger the actual function the follow button uses for a few minutes briefly a few days ago but nothing came of it. Will add your work and credit you for it. :)
Cheers man. Thank you for speaking your mind on the matter.