Woman On Date Gets Stuck In Window Trying To Retrieve Her Own Poop

in #news8 years ago


This is a story about THE DATE FROM HELL! Check this out! This story is so outlandish that it must be true. I'm sorry about the crappy content, but this story was worth sharing.

This is a story from The Huffington Post.


Earlier this week, Liam Smyth, a grad student at Britain’s University of Bristol, had a nice dinner with a woman he met on Tinder.

The night was still young, so he invited her over to his house to drink wine and watch a documentary.

Earlier this week, Liam Smyth, a grad student at Britain’s University of Bristol, had a nice dinner with a woman he met on Tinder.

The night was still young, so he invited her over to his house to drink wine and watch a documentary about Scientology, he wrote on a GoFundMe page.

At some point, the unidentified woman asked to use his bathroom. When she returned, Smyth said, she had “a panicked look in her eye.”

Smyth said the woman told him: “I went for a poo in your toilet, and it would not flush.”

He then claims the woman confessed to reaching into the toilet bowl, wrapping the dookie in tissue paper and throwing it out of the window.

Wanting to be a gentleman, Smyth suggested going outside together, bagging up the offending poo, throwing it away and then pretending “the whole sorry affair had never happened,” he recalled.

Unfortunately, the story gets crappier. Smyth’s bathroom window doesn’t open to the garden, but into an 18-inch gap that is separated from the outside world by another non-opening double glazed window.

“It was into this twilight zone that my date had thrown her poo,” he wrote.

According to Smyth, when he went to get a hammer to smash the window, his date decided to climb in headfirst to retrieve the poop herself ― which she was able to do successfully.

That’s when they realized she was stuck upside-down.

“I grabbed her waist and I pulled. But she was stuck. Stuck fast,” Smyth wrote on his GoFundMe page. “Try as we might, we could not remove her from the window. She was stuck fast, upside down in the gap.”

At that point, he called for help and an emergency crew drove up within minutes. About 15 minutes later, the woman was free.

This story might not seem to pass the, er, sniff test at first glance. However, Avon Fire And Rescue, the fire company that rescued the young woman, confirmed to the Bristol Post that they responded to a call from Smyth’s address, where they rescued a woman “trapped between interior and exterior glass.”

Firefighter Chris Crothers said when he and another rescue worker arrived, he saw that the woman was “well and truly stuck” with her face squashed against the glass, according to a release on Avon Fire And Rescue’s website.

“We often find when people are stuck they can start to panic very quickly so we do our best to keep them calm until we can free them,” Crothers said in the release. “I started chatting to her and she told the whole story about how she had become stuck.

“She was quite open about the whole thing – I think by then she had gone passed the point of embarrassment!”

Firefighters freed the woman from her glass prison by removing beading around the edge of the window glazing. Then they carefully removed her and lowered her to her feet.

“Although she had been upside down for some time, with the company of a few spiders, she was absolutely fine and just pleased to be free,” Crothers said. “We see strange things all the time, but this certainly has to be one of the strangest – purely because of why she was stuck.”

The fire department also tweeted a photo of the rescue, linking to Smyth’s GoFundMe page:

To get her out, rescue workers had to break Smyth’s window. A replacement will cost $390 ― the same as his monthly budget ― hence the GoFundMe campaign.

It seems that many people sympathize with the situation. Smyth has already received more than $2,700 in donations.

He promises to donate anything beyond the cost of replacing the window to two charities. One of them benefits firefighters, while the other, Toilet Twinning, builds and maintains flushing toilets in the developing world.

Although their first date ended up stinking to high heaven, it hasn’t swayed Smyth off a potential future with his lady friend.

“She’s a lovely girl ― I’m not sure what’s going to happen ― I’m really busy with my dissertation at the moment, but I’d certainly be open to seeing her again,” he told the Daily Star.

Surprisingly, a second date still might happen!

Text Source: http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_59aefdeee4b0b5e53101a36b?section=us_weird-news Image Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pinterest.com/amp/pin/60869032442234437/

My Perspective

One of two things happened here. Either her poop was too large to flush, or too buoyant to flush.

If I were the reporter I would have asked her:

"So girlfriend, what have you been eating lately? Are you on a high fibre diet? Maybe too many prunes? Does this happen very often?

Just sayin'.....

Thank you for visiting. Have a great day!

Michael Stobierski






Amazing story my friend

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100% like and resteemOh! this story is amazing. thanks for @michaelstobiersk this post.

Thank you for visiting and commenting and resteeming! 👍🏼😁🥂

I sent you a token of my appreciation.

Thanks for your help. @michaelstobiersk/

You're welcome and thank you!

This is reality. Or story. Girl character is important in this.

The story was reported in the Huffington Post. Thank you for visiting!

good morning friend. The story was amazing. Was very eager to read. Continue even further.

Very funny story and amazing post.
Resteemed your post to make more customers.

Thank you for visiting and commenting and resteeming! I am grateful. 👍🏼😁 I sent you a tip.

Thanks sir.

You're welcome!

amigo #resteemia at your service

'Surprisingly, a second date still might happen!' that's funny. nice story @michaelstobiersk

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

Thank you very much for your support! 👍🏼😎 I sent you a token of my appreciation.

@michaelstobiersk - oh my goodness it looks like a funny but nice story. But after all they have a hope to meet again. That's a good thing Sir. Love your work Sir. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Thank you for visiting and commenting and resteeming! Very nice! 👍🏼😁

I sent you a tip.

This was too funny , I wouldn't ever take her seriously

Hello my dear friend Farwa. I would find it very hard to take her seriously! I hope you are doing well.....

All is well on my side , hope you're well too ❤️

Great! Me too! 😁💗💙💚💛🖤

I saw this in daily news and amazed with human stupidity...

It really is amazing! I think there is a stupid epidemic! Thank you for visiting my dear friend!

Lol! What a wild story. You made the perfect headline too. 😄

Thank you my friend! I appreciate your support. 👍🏼😁

Hahaha this is so funny. You have presented so well

Thank you for your compliment my lovely lady friend! I appreciate your support. 💓😁💓

hahaha lolz dear friend nice story Up&Resteem

Thank you very much!

yes... I love this! Truth is stranger than fiction and I can imagine being that full of fear myself that I would do something like that - a long time ago - not now.

I think if I was her I would have asked for a plunger! I've had some weird dates, but none this weird! Thank you for visiting. 😁👌

What!? Why did the girl think it was a good idea to jump through the window like that?
Funny story, I've heard similar stories about poop not getting flushed down but this is the first time I've seen a news website report it.
Going to have to resteem this so more people can read this!

Thank you very much for visiting and commenting and resteeming! I sent you a tip. Check your wallet. 😁👌

ohhh, that's really good story to read mate @michaelstobiersk , keep steeming on

Thank you very much! 😁👌

Just too ridiculous, I'm shaking my head. Bottom line is that nobody has any business touching poop bare-handedly. You leave the poop in the toilet and get a plunger. Does anybody really need to be told this? Good Heavens!

Thank you for visiting and commenting @bethani325. I don't think I have had the pleasure of meeting you. You must be new here. I you are enjoying Steemit!

You would think she would have had enough sense to ask for a plunger, or maybe some Liquid Plumber?! 👍🏼😁

thank you so much for this great story
i think this part is repated ( Earlier this week, Liam Smyth, a grad student at Britain’s University of Bristol, had a nice dinner with a woman he met on Tinder.

The night was still young, so he invited her over to his house to drink wine and watch a documentary )


That's hilarious. It would be an epic story to tell at the wedding should they ever get married!

Yes it would! Thank you for visiting and commenting!

LOL,,"Either her poop was too large to flush, or too buoyant to flush" seriously?haha

🤤 Thank you very much for visiting and commenting!

Hi friend!! Its been a long time, hope all is good. This one is quite shitty but amazing. Keep sharing. It was interesting to read :)

It has been a while! All is good. I hope you are doing well. Thank you for visiting!

What a cool story! I guess, they went through this adventure together, so they can stay all times together! Well I'm a hopeless romantic, I know! 😃😉

I don't think I would see her again after that fiasco. Thank you for visiting! I appreciate it!

Who knows! What's a poop in the window against a whole life together. And they have always a story to tell at family events! 😃😂

I would be too embarrassed for her!

Maybe I would too, but if she were cool and could laugh about it, guess I would laugh with her. It's an accident after all. 😃😂😉

Very true. 👍🏼😁

heehh that was so cool :D

Thank you @blazing! I hope you have a great day! 🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈

Ha ha ha if the tittle of the story is amazing then how much story is interesting. I will read it sure.

Thank you for visiting. It is a weird story! 👍🏼🤓

I read that today. The most incredible part is that they are still together hehe

Maybe together..... I have my doubts..... Thank you for visiting and commenting!

Lmao i readed this today in the news, i was lmao :)

Thank you for visiting and commenting!

Oh Man , it is just weird and the funniest incident at the same time. I must say in my life I have never heard about this type of date. If the flush was not working, she can pour the water from the bucket and get clean it.

You would think so, but you are logical! Thank you for visiting and commenting! 👍🏼😁

Welcome buddy.

This story gives me a good advice! Don't ever poop and don't ever date a girl who wish to poop :D
I was just kidding! Great story and yeah after all that date finished well and hope they will date again!
Thanks for sharing such great story with us!@michaelstobiersk,


Thank you for visiting and commenting! 👍🏼😁👌

Too funny story friend 😜😜 Up&Resteem

oh my god..i couldn't do anything other than laughing..what an amazing date it has been..we are waiting for their 2nd date adventure :) nice work..it was really interesting to read

I wonder if they will have a second date? They kind of got off to a crappy start! Thank you for visiting and commenting! 👍🏼😁

oh don't worry..i'm sure they will have it..everything is possible in this world.. :)

nice story to read about
A 1st date to remember in the life time lol
i wonder how the 2nd date would go ;)

2nd date? I doubt it..... but who knows. It might be a match made in heaven! 🤤🤤🤤🤤 Thank you for visiting!

let's hope the best for them :)

the most important in this is the character of the girl

She is a character for sure! Thank you for visiting! 🤤

I really loved this story so much, bring us more and more stories like this

I'll try! These stories are far and few between. Thank you for visiting and commenting!

i will always support you man!!!
and that one is great..

Thank you for your support!

Great post
Enjoyed reading

Thank you! I appreciate your support.

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Follow me @imranroza


Thank you. I will look.

This story is very interesting and very funny! Thank you for sharing it with us!