Miracle plant...get a grip please. Its a drug, whither you like to admit it or not.
Cannabis has four times the tar that cigarettes have -- if your vaping then popcorn lung is the end result.
The short term memory loss is tantamount to a psychosis for heavy to medium extended users in the end.
It is a cause of obesity, and impedes imsulin as the need to santisfy the munchies causes the overeating of sugars ans high carbs.
The elites want cannabis legal. It quiets the angst-ridden herd. Killing their ambition, making them lazy and slow and docile.
Cannabis impedes higher thinking, squelching higher IQ.
"The elites want cannabis legal. It quiets the angst-ridden herd. Killing their ambition, making them lazy and slow and docile." That statement is 100% true. The rest I have issues with, but you seem really set in your stance, and I respect that. Nonetheless, we are all free to put what we want in our own bodies, and that's really the point in my opinion. Cheers.