The WHO is a play on words and current world problems.
The World Health Organization or WHO will soon try to force you to take a vaccine.
explain your other comment
I believe it's my body, my life, if I want to end it you have no say.
However the health care worker is being forced to assist me, they are who doesn't get to decide what is done with THEIR body. They are being forced to do something they are opposed to. They can't just say no.
"My body my choice. Notice that they don't get a choice."
Who doesn't get the choice to decide what happens to their body?
The WHO will soon NOT GIVE YOU the choice to decide what happens to YOUR body.
Personally I will fight to maintain control of my own body.
Okay, but how does that explain your other comment, which makes no sense?
The WHO is a play on words and current world problems.
The World Health Organization or WHO will soon try to force you to take a vaccine.
I believe it's my body, my life, if I want to end it you have no say.
However the health care worker is being forced to assist me, they are who doesn't get to decide what is done with THEIR body. They are being forced to do something they are opposed to. They can't just say no.