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RE: Third largest iceberg ever torn apart from Antarctica

in #news8 years ago (edited)

The human race doesn't have the technology to control the Earth's climate. We cannot do it. No matter what position you take in the debate over whether man is causing the climate to change, regardless whether you trust global political forces to confiscate the wealth of the people of the world with a promise to "rescue" us from the climate, it is not within our grasp to do any such thing. All climate models fail spectacularly in predicting future climate changes. The data used to build these models is corrupted by fraud generated by con artists pushing an agenda.

The risk is serious, and very real. If we demand that the governments of the world join forces to "do something" they just might hatch any number of schemes designed to calm the fear their propaganda has produced. If they do they will be playing in a field where they don't know the rules, have no experience, and cannot see the long term outcomes. The climate may very well react to such schemes in unpredictable ways. We could launch the next ice age, or just as easily accelerate warming. We could create climate feedback loops that spiral out of control truly endangering life on Earth.

It is an ignorant plea to demand action for a problem we cannot fully understand from people who have not been able to demonstrate credibility on the topic with engineering technology that is beyond our reach.