You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you. --Maya Angelou
So the first time I stumbled upon steemit when I was checking the cryptocurrency market capitalization I was so flabbergasted and took it with a pinch of salt. A social media platform that pays its users to post a blog on their favorite subjects? And yes I just asked myself the same question. where do steemit get money to pay users?In my quest for answers I went on a reading escapade. But the problem with most writers who tried to explain it is that they provide more details and use more technical words than what matters to most people. Using too many technical words ends up confusing people than they started. I am here to explain it in layman terms and mak
I already started to follow you. You please do your job as a friend. I will do my best with you.
thank you very much.
Thank you.
You are most welcome. And please do the same what I have done.
wow great content
Thank you. I would do my best and give you guys good stuffs.
Great. I followed you and hope to read more posts.
Thank you.
Thank you.I just followed you.