Elon Musk is giving us the best example of perseverance and struggle. I hope he achieves all his goals in favor of humanity.
As for the theory that the earth is flat, I think it is something that people say to contradict what has already been established. Excellent point of view of yours with respect to what we look through telescopes. Flat planets? There is not, in my point of view. Greetings.
Nice response... I'm of the open mind that there may "even be" a flat planet out there in the Universe somewhere... it would be hilarious if one of the telescopes like Hubble or JWST found one in the near future. I would die laughing because the debate would start all over.

We would see many of these people tied to a stretcher telling us "I knew, I knew them!" LOL
I, for my part, am one of those who think of those of us who are not alone in the universe, but I respect those who believe that it is not so.