Malcontents Causing Trouble

in #news2 months ago


We've been averaging one shooting every two weeks on my block since Thanksgiving. Pictured above is a 9mm bullet casing that I recently found on the ground while walking the dog. Although people sometimes shoot each other around here, the neighborhood doesn't really feel unsafe. It just feels like any other city in our post-COVID dystopia, complete with massive homeless encampment fires and more empty storefronts every month.

This state of affairs isn't accidental. It was brought about by the control regime's theft of our money and power. The pandemic was a turning point. Two-thirds of the new wealth amassed since 2020 has gone to the richest 1%. Big business has extracted an extra $1 trillion from us since 2021.

The vast majority of people will continue to play along no matter how bad it gets. In the face of uncertainty, they'll obey authority. And almost everyone else will be forced to continue playing along in order to survive. After all, participation in the total system isn't voluntary. It's compulsory.

This reality starkly contrasts the world we should be living in. As humans, we are all naturally free, and our innate sense of fairness evolved in us to guide our social interactions in a way that protects each of our freedoms from the tyrannies of others. Freedom and fairness aren't unattainable ideals, they're how things would actually work if we stopped giving tyrants control over our resources. What would it take to convince us to try that?

At this point, I honestly don't know. I used to believe that we could educate ourselves out of dystopia, but now I'm not so sure. People lost in the control regime's programming are impervious to true information that conflicts with the lies they've internalized. And widely distributed cognitive impairment renders most of these people unable to even grasp the basic concepts on which a free society must necessarily be built.

What comes next is likely an endless parade of crises presented to us to distract us from the increasingly obvious need for major societal change. Many of these crises will be the direct result of individuals reaching a breaking point and causing trouble in a newsworthy way. The murder of a prominent insurance executive in New York. A 15-year-old girl who opens fire on her classmates. A soldier who rents an electric truck from Turo and kills New Year revelers. Another soldier who rents an electric truck from Turo and blows himself up in front of a popular Vegas hotel.

These kinds of events aren't new. In 2010, Joseph Stack crashed a plane into an IRS building in a suicidal tax protest. In 2004, muffler shop owner Marvin Heemeyer built a 'killdozer' to demolish the town whose officials had ruined his business.

While there have always been malcontents causing trouble here and there, two factors separate the modern environment from all previous eras. We now have access to technologies that can greatly amplify our impact on the world, for better or worse. And our media landscape now functions primarily as a sophisticated mind control system, in part by amplifying messaging that keeps us afraid. So individuals who are pushed past the breaking point can cause more damage, and the more damage they cause, the more media attention they receive.

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