What Really Happened With Trump's Attack and What Will Happen Next!

in #news7 years ago

In this video, we give you the latest breaking news on what really happened with Trump's attack and what will happen next geopolitically.

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▶️ DTube

It would be cool to if the Russian were to release a video showing some U.S. Tomahawks being intercepted in mid-flight. That would really piss off Trump in a major way. LOL

Wars are about things, and our social and moral values are based on them.

There is really only one war, the war within ourselves - which produces external wars.

White Helmets, Propaganda, UK

Kindly upvote my posts.

Video won't play past 1 second on APRIL 14 1005 PST, but I'm going to upvote because I just watched it on youtube.

Thanks for this good exposé.
I think US “exceptionalism” and arrogance (and the same applies to Jupiter Macron) are the primary motivator, if it kills us all.
It is about time the US realized that they are no longer the Masters of the Universe. They, together with France and the UK are playing a very dangerous game. Ironically it is the Russian bogeyman who has the most restraint and wisdom in this mess.
Keep up the good work. I posted the idea for a peaceful march. Obviously, I don’t have the traction, the readership or the influence you and the bigger fish have, but if you think it's a good idea… https://steemit.com/informationwar/@tmayd/how-much-more-blood

The whole thing stinks!!!

its not playing the video as of 1256 hours ect

sorry to say I went with youtube on this one, excellent video though Luke! When I watch you work the word journalist keeps coming to mind, its a new feeling when I'm watching the news to have that lol. Its a great reminder of what the job is my good man.

Lame. Hard to discern with all the bad actors. All we can do hope Putin's numbers were right and they shot most of em down.

Wonderful post ..thanks for sharing...Best of luck friend ✫

Thanks for providing sources with your content.

Thank goodness Russia & Syria had been given a 3 day notice...

Thanks for being willing to ask these questions! Misinformation, disinformation and propaganda has been strong today.

The U.S Evil Government (not the people) desperately want another World War 3

There is a substantial amount of info now that suggests that US & Russian interactions with the MSM have been a major LARP. I have seen reports that the US attack was against ISIS and Deep State targets rather than Assad forces. There is also a report that Russia allowed all of the US missiles to intended targets through while rogue missiles to 'unauthorized' targets were shot down. It was an effort where Assad, Putin & Trump were all on the same page and the actual 'bad actors' behind the gas attack were drawn out to be attacked by forces of Assad and Russia. All the while, everyone is telling the MSM just what they want to hear.

my dash address




Crypto will free humanity!

Ah, yep, that's true Donald sigh

