In this video Jason Bermas discusses how the coming Quantum Age isn't coming at all, it's here. Plus a former Arkansas Judge that if convicted of all the crimes he was originally charged with was looking at 250 years, yet at sentencing, he was recommended probation!
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SNAPCHAT: LukeWeAreChange
OH YEAH since we are not corporate or government owned help us out
We take Crypto Coins
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▶️ DTube
Already a longtime subscriber, but what the point of getting more views on a platform on which your content has been demonitized ?
Drive that massive subscriber base towards Steemit and Dtube. Mention it in each video and add links to the about section of your Youtube page. Even a nice little Steemit logo at the top and bottom of your webpage would be neat !
Be the change !!
I love the idea of using the YouTube channel to encourage movement to other platforms, but I don't appreciate these other comments demanding that they drop YouTube. It seems like they just want them to throw away a dedicated audience rather than utilizing all available options to reach the largest audience possible. You're spot on that they should try as much as possible to get people invested off of YouTube though.
STRONG comment; yet, very true.
I wonder if he knows this yet decides not too... be interesting to hear his responce.
I'm not advocating a sudden and complete withdrawal from all other social media platforms. Although demonetized, We Are Change still has a massive subscriber base on YT, and a similar size on FB. This following is a result of years of hard work, and not something that should be discarded.
When I look at the follow us section of the We Are Change website (and the about us section on the other platforms), I don't see any mention of Steemit. It would be great to see a little Steemit logo added (and perhaps even given priority) next to the likes of instagram and twitter.
Although, to be fair, if I was a web developer looking for the correct logo to add, I'd have no idea where to look. I had to dig and scratch to find the one above. It needs to be easier.
You guys at wearechange should just drop youtube and just concentràte your work here on steemit. Easier said than done, I'm sure. Uv & Rs
If they were to drop YouTube, thousands of people would no longer see them.
And if they stay with youtube the way its going, thousands of people will no longer see them.
i think we've reached a consensus here, @lukewearechange.just drop youtube and concentrate on dtube.
Jason, your title is brilliant. It peaked my interest & you didn't fail to deliver on matching the topics to it. I was sure if was a clickbate title, which is not your style. I should've known better. Great job bro! 5 years ani't enough. I'd like to see some good old fashoned stonings. And most important... make sure Luke knows that he looks a lot like my brother...thanks bunches.
Good informative post.
Hey Luke, Shaun here from Acauplco. Please follow back. upvoted and followed.