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RE: STEEM WHISTLEBLOWER: "Hidden Gem" & "Featured" Post Makers May be CROOKS!

in #news9 years ago

"at what point do we draw the line where something that some parties may view as exploitive?" I believe probably when the person involved feels exploited... not when some third party proclaims the exploitation is happening...without checking first. I am a master negotiator. This is not a "bad deal". If it were, I would simply alter the deal. I am lordvader after all.

I need to build a Death Star.

50% of $500 will help me do that faster than 100% or $3. You have to master one more thing for your training to be complete. You must realize that your opinion of good and bad does not extend into the minds of others... yet. They still get to judge that from their own point of view. But once you master the Force, you will be able to get everyone to see the world exactly as you do. Then free will and choice will disappear. There will be only KLYE! Then we can rule the galaxy as Sith Lord and guy he met on the internet... who has a crush on him.