At the Laldighi ground on Friday afternoon, ABM Mohiuddin Chowdhury's janaza, in the name of millions of people. During this time, the surrounding roads, especially from Andrakillah to Jail Road, KC De Road, Kotwali upto the people and people were there. After the funeral, Mohiuddin Chowdhury was buried at the national graveyard at Chashmahal's graveyard.
People of different professions irrespective of race and religion, appeared before the Laladghi Maidan to pay homage to Mohiuddin Chowdhury. There were people and people in the neighborhood along the river. At 3:40 pm, the car reached the Laldighi ground in the afternoon. Earlier, the car was parked in front of Awami League's party office at Darul Fazal Market in the afternoon. A team of police led by an executive magistrate, after the withdrawal of the body of Mohiuddin Chowdhury, wrapped in a red-green flag in the janazastha, gave the guard of honor. Then Janaza was held at 4pm.
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