To keep the peace. To up hold the law. To keep people honest and to correct when crimes are committed. Lets say you are robbed, who are you going to call, @lightproject ? The ghost busters? The fact that you asked that questions bring into question your motives and intelligence.
I have been robbed several times and reported police always, and guess what? Never got my stuff back. Do you think police are magic? Yes I understand, when you are robbed you get pissed off and the act of calling them calms you down, you can even talk to them and rant a bit. But does it change anything in the end?
I too have been robbed, didn't get my stuff back, but they caught the thief. You know that my question was more rhetorical. It's not about calming down, it's about trying to catch the criminals. Sure, some crimes go unpunished, but do you honestly think we should not report them?
To keep the peace. To up hold the law. To keep people honest and to correct when crimes are committed. Lets say you are robbed, who are you going to call, @lightproject ? The ghost busters? The fact that you asked that questions bring into question your motives and intelligence.
I have been robbed several times and reported police always, and guess what? Never got my stuff back. Do you think police are magic? Yes I understand, when you are robbed you get pissed off and the act of calling them calms you down, you can even talk to them and rant a bit. But does it change anything in the end?
I too have been robbed, didn't get my stuff back, but they caught the thief. You know that my question was more rhetorical. It's not about calming down, it's about trying to catch the criminals. Sure, some crimes go unpunished, but do you honestly think we should not report them?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
The police are enforcers, plain and simple. The law says "Obey" and if you don't you get the boot of enforcement slammed into your face.
There is NOBODY to enforce the law when the law "makers" and "enforcers" do not obey the laws.
The law is designed to keep poor people in line.