Megyn Kelly obviously has a special place in the Russian President's schedule. He always accepts an interview with her. Is it because he thinks it's easy to handle a bleached bag of prejudices and imperial hubris, or… is she just another Russian spy?
All the people exposed to a toxic influence of a corporate media have probably had a chance to see this edited version of an Interview with Vladimir Putin. Edit was done with a focus on “Russian meddling”, in another desperate attempt to prolong absurd story on Trump as Putin's puppet.
In the text it was not even mentioned that the interview took two days — it was recorded in the Kremlin on March 1, 2018, and in Kaliningrad on March 2, 2018. The whole set of questions about the new Russian weapons and establishing full geostrategic balance, was omitted.
The only way to truly see how far corporate media has gone astray in propaganda hogwash, is to see for yourself full and unedited interview to American TV channel NBC anchor Megyn Kelly…
Duration: 1:28:35
Глупача се хвали како је завршила право, а не разуме ни реч кад јој Путин објашњава да за отварање било какве истраге мора да се спроведе одговарајући поступак :))
Па једино ако је тежи мазохиста… што није искључено, кад за било које паре може да трпи што испада онолика глупача :)