UK Continues Implementing 1984 As Instruction Manual - Election Commission Wants To "Remove Right To Vote Of Online Trolls"

in #news7 years ago


The collapsed dwarf star that was once the British Empire has decided that, if you've finally hit social bedrock by digging yourself a very deep hole, you may as well grab a shovel and aim for the center of the fucking earth.

The government is quietly working, as they often do, on making the idea of disenfranchising voters based on their subjective opinion palatable to the masses. After all, if you call them "trolls", it must be true right?

Guess who gets to decide if you are a troll?


I'm actually for substantial increases in abuse received by politicials, so this is a real non-starter for me.

In a weak attempt to justify this "trial balloon", election "officials say many offences under electoral law date back to the 1800s or earlier."

I say, great! Everyone is clamoring for things from the 1800's. Let's bring back death for horse-thieves, debtor's prison, and smallpox while we're at it.


Can we disenfranchise the whole commission for this?

Let's be brutally honest with the harsh reality, here. Is anyone, let alone a politician, that looks like this going to be able to go online without being trolled?


No, the answer is no. Citation: 4 chan.

Maybe you shouldn't be a public figure if you are planning to cry to the Electoral Commission when someone says something mean about you.


Developing the confidence that would allow you to do this should be a politician pre-requisite.

If you have any additions or errata for this post, please let me know! I will see that they are voted to the top of the comments, and will make the appropriate edits (if possible).

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Sources: The Guardian, Google, Zero Hedge, British Government
Copyright: IASIP, The Guardian, Quickmeme


The very first post that I have read after my account was approve today.
Must say that I totally love the mixture of a very serious topic blended with a hint of humor and sarcasm to enhance the understanding.
Off cause all citizens should have the right to vote, also if they have hurt the delicate feeling of a politician.

"mixture of a very serious topic blended with a hint of humor and sarcasm"

Thank you, I really appreciate that this gets across via the written word.

I hope to keep up that standard.

I enjoy your post, see now that it is not only your word that have spirit and power to it, your vote most definitely does as well, my reputation grew from 26 to 32 just because of this one vote from you, who are you, the king of whales?

Thank you for the kind words, but by many standards, I'm only barely a whale (if at all).

What a load of bollocks this is. If you are a citizen of somewhere and they force you to pay taxes then you should automatically be given the right to vote for which dickhead should get some of that money. I also think it's bollocks that convicted fellons (correct me if I'm wrong - I remember some youtuber talking about it) aren't allowed to vote in the US even though they aren't in jail.

On the other hand you are forced to vote in Australia, which I also disagree with. Well, by that I mean they force you to be on the electoral roll and get your name crossed off at each election. If you want to add a box that says "Jon Snow, True King of the North" and tick that, it's totally up to you.

I would have to agree, all (net) tax payers, at least, should have a say.

"it's bollocks that convicted fellons (correct me if I'm wrong - I remember some youtuber talking about it) aren't allowed to vote in the US"

You are correct, they are. Lately, some referendum efforts have been initiated to change that fact, actually. No success that I am aware of so far.

its a tough sell

How about the abuse citizens suffer from politicans and their criminal enterprises - modern slavery - libel - terrorism - unlawful edicts - and so on...

The queen is an awful creature and her subjects love their servitude and their pedophilia infested bbc satanic humanoids.

Anyone who elects these globalist traitors is suporting their own slavery.

Your troll

"Your troll"

Careful, they won't let you vote on the next round of prettiest princess with that attitude!

Who want's to vote for their minions... Wonders... contemplates...naeh... not voting for criminals...

Never thought of myself as a troll - but... when unlawful government edicts are bcoming unbearable - I turn into a fierce - well - no label applies.

These people no longer authorized to govern. Simple.

"Never thought of myself as a troll"

Me neither...but it's less about what you are than what they THINK you are.

if you've finally hit social bedrock by digging yourself a very deep hole, you may as well grab a shovel and aim for the center of the fucking earth.

This. This right here is solid gold and neatly describes the double-down tendency of government. Problem? Let's do something stupid. People are complaining about our solution? MORE STUPIDITY MUST BE REQUIRED!

Yes, I would say that about sums it up.

I enjoyed writing that line.

I wish God would hurry up, and bring this world to and end already. Earth and it's inhabitants are a failed experiment. It's time to call it quits, and go home.

Oof, you win the darkest comment award, Jane!

This genuinely made me giggle.

Woot, mission accomplished.

Do you mind if I feature this post on Jane's Chaos Show tonight? @lexiconical?

Go for it! Hope I'm not too late.

The day it stands up in court is the day you need to be worried. Otherwise I think the Electoral Commission is perhaps just trolling the trolls....

These things tend to start out as "suggestions", precisely like this. Gradually it becomes more "acceptable" sounding, then gets slipped in to a law somewhere.

Yes, you are correct. They are floated as "Trial Balloons" to see whether they get any traction. But I think this one is a stretch even for the most over-zealous anti-democrat.

I bet they said that about Soylent Green at first!

Well we are not quite eating each other for protein, but I take your point :)

Jeez man, SPOILER ALERT. It's only like 40 years old!

My bad. For my take on spoilers jump to 3:40 :-

The politician's mind...

Can't get people to vote for you? Then ban them from voting against you. God I hate politicians.

Selective power to disenfranchise is a powerful tool.

If it is too bad to be true, it is probably true.

Grim, but all too frequently, accurate.

@lexiconical hard to believe that we put these people in positions of power. I am embarrassed.

At least if you didn't vote for them, you can take solace in that.

Relevance:Censorship of opinionCurated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

Cool account, this is a new one for me!

Glad you like it!Feel free to use the tag #informationwar and let us know about any authors we should take a look at.

Very good your post. Thank for sharing information @lexiconical

Glad you enjoyed it!

I'm happy to always see your posts

Aw, shucks.

Or stay off the social media world if possible, other wise all's fair.

I think you hit the wrong thread on this one...

Wierd. Yup

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