Men, we should be ashamed of ourselves. We've done it again in Las Vegas. Our collective masculinity was just too toxic.

The Independent has called it, in their typical, factless-rag fashion. Testosterone is responsible for the Las Vegas shooting (even though hormonal birth control in the water table has substantially reduced it in western men, with sperm count dropping 60% in 40 years.)
I don't know how we ever made it through the times where women weren't literally peeing-men-into-becoming-women.

I can't say I care for this trend of obsessing over "whiteness" amid calls supported by socialists and the media from academics for "white genocide" being a good thing.
Put less eloquently...this is fucking textbook racism, and it needs to stop being accepted. This women should lose her job and, hopefully, every social connection with a decent human being she has.

Holders of (preferably caucasian, at least, at first) penises, report to the dog food factory. Fido needs his share of Soylent Green.
Let's meet our accuser (warning: well-deserved hit-piece ahead)

Hey VICTORIA (you disingenuous, morally bankrupt, slime-ball of a human being), maybe WOMEN shouldn't go out alone if being raped or harassed is such a risk. Not all men are rapists and harassers but you just can't tell who is.
Doesn't sound SO GREAT, does it, you vile, dishonest spreader-of sexism and hatred?
It is both sad, and entirely expected, that her FIRST VISIBLE tweet would contain a contradiction to her own ideology so large that, frankly, I could simply end this article here, call her a moron, and my work would be done. It's hardly worth even taking down someone who is operating on a grade-school level of logical reasoning.
However, I can't resist. Corrosive influences like this must be taken to task and shamed, publicly, back into the closet of idiocy from whence they emerged.
Because, the sad fact is, when you don't shame the vitriolic 10% or less of disgusting humans who treat half the species as an enemy to gain social standing and privilege, you empower pathetic male feminists like Michael Moore to temporarily remove the hot-dog he is fellating at any given time and burp out trial-balloons the practically-fascist State just loves to have floating around the public consciousness:

This is a literal Jim Crow law for men. We now have public calls for writing different laws based on whether or not you have a penis.
I want to help Michael Moore with his application to "Bigots, Sexists, and Assholes Anonymous", so I made some minor edits to his bigoted diatribe to highlight his logical fallacies:

Victoria is well aware of the disgusting and spiteful nature of her opinions lies. Her ideology is so hateful, and completely unable to stand-up to any debate, that she has the (as yet) only "private" Wordpress I have ever seen:

She is severely guilty of the very first "crime" she painted feminism with just 3 years ago, almost on a daily basis:

The positive correlation between "raging angry feminist" and "(almost) too gross to ever get laid" is approaching a mathematically-perfect 1.0. This isn't a joke - it's a very simple and expected social result. Women who have the mind, looks, skills, or personality to actually achieve anything in society (or the intelligence to see third-wave feminism as a female-supremacy movement) do not need to spend their whole life making half of their own species into a straw-man enemy in an endless attempt to try to derive privilege from their genital plumbing.
Seen any Brad Pitt's in the MGToW sphere, lately? How odd that there are no underwear models among feminisms male analogues.

Feminists like her will openly acknowledge this truth of human nature while they "take down" MGTOWs and whoever else they deem must have chosen their insular ideologies for 'being losers who can't get laid, so they hate women', but will completely ignore the irony that when the same correlation is pointed out in their ranks, the shrill denials are overpowering from the collective of the lesbian-haired.

Does anyone actually disagree that the above looks like some sort of mentally-deranged Bingo card for SJW idealogues? That is almost her entire author page at "The Independent." I didn't edit or rearrange anything. In fact, I had to cut off even more all-feminist articles to fit it into one image.
So there you have it, masculinity is responsible for all violence. Right?
If a top ranked website which claims to be "journalism" says it, it's gotta be true, right?

I know that seems odd (read: completely at odds with reality, but makes "muh feels" good,) given lesbian couples have the highest rates of domestic violence and gay couples the lowest, but that sounds dangerously close to fact based, logical thinking, mister, and might be interpreted as patriarchy.

Speaking of eschewing fact-based, logical thinking, is anyone able to explain the endless support for increasing gun control amid a non-stop campaign crying that we live in a "rape-culture?" Is there any non-fictional tool better equipped to prevent a rape than a legally-carried concealed pistol?

Let's be honest. I'm no bodybuilder, yet the number of women I could phsyically overpower is pretty much all of them that aren't actively fighting in the UFC. I could take most of you two or more at once.
However, hand a 12 year old with a handgun safety course under her belt a pistol and suddenly I may be a (huge) underdog.

Why would those at a statistical self-defense disadvantage bordering on the insurmountable, choose to (attempt to) outlaw the most advanced technology ever created to utterly equalize that disadvantage, and instead place their total safety into the hands of the very-same "patriarchy" they bitch about controlling them endlessly?
Is Victoria a complete idiot, or a statist plant? It can only be one of the two.

Doesn't preventing law abiding women from owning guns to prevent themselves from this myriad of rapes we are told they fear on a daily basis constitute the dictionary definition of restricting women's rights? Misogyny, anyone?

Note the feminist solipsism completely rejects the inarguable truth that the Second Amendment exists to prevent a monopoly on force by the government. It hand-waves away a 250+-year right critical to the maintenance of republic and prevention of dictatorships with an exhortation to create a better slave population to produce more 1984-like obedience to a wholly corrupt and bankrupt state - the very same state she whines endlessly is an "oppressive patriarchy".
Perhaps we should start a GoFundMe to send Victoria (permanently) to Venezuela. It sounds like it would be her paradise.

Apparently, these feminist nutjobs want to prevent women from having the tools to protect themselves (or be employed)...whether that be from the patriarchy of the state, or a random rapist. Victoria finds it preferable to place the entirety of her (their) protection into the "big, manly" hands of the police and the state. I wonder if Victoria has enough IQ to realize her position is a large cry for relinquishing all her responsibility and agency to the "patriarchy of men" who will "protect" her?
Does she realize her own argument is calling for the infantilization of women on a grand scale?
Her position makes me think of her as a child...a sad, adult child, desperately pulling on "Daddy State's" coat-tails to come protect her from the big bad man she's is just too weak and has too little agency, thanks to her own attempts to infantilize her own gender, to fight on her own.
But clearly, masculinity is the problem... (after all, it only constructed pretty much all of science and civilization). We should get rid of it as quickly as possible!

If masculinity is the problem, let's put all the power in the hands of the most masculine, controlling hands of the police and military and let them solve it. We'll call it "feminist triumph," instead of "actively working against our own, women's, and all freedom-loving people's interests," because that sounds way better. Girl powah!
I seriously don't know how this bitch manages to get dressed in the morning, she is that brain-dead.
Does anyone really believe a cold, calculating killer with premeditation spanning weeks, months, or even years is going to be stopped by having to pay an extra $200 for black market weapons?
Is this why we must blame an entire gender for the actions of single individuals with demonstrable mental illness?
Victoria would have loved the unabashed identity politics of the 1930's and 1940s:

There is a fear of guns at work here that has nothing to do with any rational worries about safety. It's about controlling you and creating a permanent safe space for the enemies of freedom. Cancerous ideologues like this will destroy any system if given the opportunity.
That fear is going to keep coming for your second amendment rights. It won't matter that it will empower criminals and increase crime. No tears other than yours will be shed for any friends and family assaulted, or whose properties are broken into, in preventable crimes.
Look out when that fear teams up with third wave feminism. They're going to come for ALL your guns, including the ones attached to you.
Welcome to 2017 – where we have met the enemy, and it is...a shrill, lunatic fringe minority of SJW feminists.
PS - Victoria, you are a revolting (on numerous levels), sexist, racist, misandrist and misogynist bigot, and a pusher of identity politics. Your work doesn't deserve to grace the National Enquirer. As a writer, you are intellectually devoid of even a shred of honesty, and if you want a frank assessment from someone who is 100x the writer and intellectual you will ever be, you fucking suck.
You are a horrible person and you should feel terribly, terribly bad that all you have accomplished with your life is spewing hateful ideology. You've made over half the species your enemy, labelled them toxic, and we'd all appreciate it if you'd just get the fuck out of Earth, permanently.
Also, I seriously question the IQ of anyone so totally brainwashed by progressive SJW'ism. Based on the level of your writing and reasoning, you would have been unable to successfully debate (a younger) me at any point past the 5th grade. You make even a poor caricature of a statist, as your arguments are so transparently deconstructed by their own internal inconsistencies, you fail to be a useful tool of propaganda. Even if an audience of exclusively highly-impressionable idiots could be found, one wonders if you could turn even a single one to your hateful position.
It comes as no surprise you are clamoring for additional privelege ascribed to your gender; it is only logical that those severely disadvantaged by the hand of genetics (on both a physical and mental level) would seek any other means but meritocracy to raise themselves up.
(Mic drop.)

If you have any additions or errata for this post in support of Victoria, I don't want to hear them. GTFO of my blog. If you support this trash, go follow Craig-Grant instead, because neither I nor any thinking member of humanity want you around.

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Sources: PreventConnect.Org, CDC, Google, Twitter, The Hill, Zero Hedge, Statista, Nobel Group, Ellen Fishbein, The Independent (lol)
Copyright: A Short-Haired Mental-Defective, Star Wars, Pinterest, The Rebel, YouTube, KnowYourMeme, South Park, The Simpsons
I love this lex. Groups are running around spouting sexism and racism and even encouraging the genocide of white males.
Then of course these victims (the men) try to figure out what they are doing wrong and fix it because they don't feel they are horrible animals. When they start supporting the feminazis they get attacked and told that they will never understand or should check their privilege.
Most of this coming from affluent white girls that grew up with everything handed to them.
Then it gets worse. Are you a white feminazi? Not good enough. The PoC feminazis still hate your skin color. And if you defend your heritage at all it is merely because you have internalized the racism. Same goes for PoC defending white people ... Internalized racism.
People are being called out for sexual assaulted 20 years after jerking off in the same room as someone. Someone that willingly stayed in the room because they wanted to boost their career. They could have left, but no, they were assaulted by even the thought of a males penis. (we must clarify males penis because apparently you can be whatever gender you want despite your sexual organs).
More and more of my old friends are falling victim to this abuse. Women are constantly use strawman arguments to derail conversations that get close to the heart of the problem.
When the feminazis realize how the world sees them there is a dilemma. Do they continue and just ignore the truth or do they confront their demons and admit they were wrong? Clearly the easy choice (for some) is to power on through and keep perpetuating hate and discrimination.
I've have gotten into arguments with a person at work (notice I said person, because I didn't care about gender) before and they just brushed everything off by saying I was insecure to see a woman in a power position. This is incredible news to me because I had no idea I felt this way. But it's a good thing I was being taught about my own feelings by someone that knew me for a couple weeks.
I guess it all boils down the the fact that the amount of hypocrisy running rampant in this world is so thick you couldn't cut it with a light saber.
My most recent regret is that my vote-slider goes only to 100%.
"More and more of my old friends are falling victim to this abuse. Women are constantly use strawman arguments to derail conversations that get close to the heart of the problem."
It's a modern-day battle of the sexes, except, 90% of the women aren't participating and the 10% who are shrieking harpies have waylaid the entire narrative.
Barely 20% of women will identify as feminists anymore, and that's according to a feminist co-opted rag:
More and more of my...ahem...more "beta" type male friends are falling into this odd belief that somehow virtue-signalling into the feminist collective is going to get them laid. As if the years of advice to "be themselves and a unicorn will appear" wasn't enough for them to realize you must watch what people do, not what they say, to learn the truth.
"Do they continue and just ignore the truth or do they confront their demons and admit they were wrong?"
It would seem self-evident that they already made this choice in favor of the former.
"by saying I was insecure to see a woman in a power position."
This is where you refer them to projection, pointing out how it is 100% impossible for them to know what you are thinking/feeling, and therefore that their argument is a demonstrable lie, and that the most likely reason for it is that they are projecting their own pathetic biases onto you.
Then you drop the mic.
Thanks so much for your comment, it always feels a little better to come across another island of sanity.
Few identify as feminist but most believe in equality of sexes...that's the reason why they started saying feminism is about equality and suggesting unless you'd call yourself a feminist you are against just treatment for the sexes.
"feminism is about equality"
Yes, except if it were, you'd hear about feminist tirades on the underfunding of prostate cancer on a per-capita basis, or the wholly unethical family court system.
But you don't...cause it's not.
It never was about equality either. That's another excuse, that feminism before was better and now it's getting bad. All feminism is based on believing men abuse women for their benefit. So they are trying to create "better" circumstances for women so they can be at the same level of men. This has nothing to do with equality and it's a lie women are given worse treatment to begin with.
Something I can't quite put my finger on suggests that women may be less interested in prostates than men are breasts, for an unrelated reason.
Estrogen coming from all directions and all sources. Water, food, supplements. It's true. One day we could look exactly like those aliens. Same built. No talking. Unisex.
Happy you're willing to take on this topic. There are some major imbalances / elephants in the room in this area, so much so that it's easier to just leave it alone.
It's of course the pendulum swing of the mass consciousness, who love all forms of division, strife, and drama; It is their drug, and God Help You if you get between them and their ignorance fix!
The fact that you choose to address it with satire I also like; Humor helps to expose the absurdity of the status quo without the necessity of stating the obvious, which can seem condescending and be counterproductive.
I always look at it as growing pains for humanity. Eventually, people will look back on this time's irrational hatred of "whiteness" and "masculinity" as embarrassing, barbaric and purely hypocritical. Although seeming cliche, Love in its highest sense ("It is the characteristic of real love to see no difference") will be, and is, the revolution that will allow the deep trauma and hurt of people to be recontextualized, and transformed into a better future for this planet. Of course, I am biased, because I am an indomitable optimist!
Fantastic post, I'm thankful for the unique niche you fill @lexiconical. Keep 'em coming!
"The fact that you choose to address it with satire I also like"
I find it keeps me sane(r). Let's not psychoanalyze why the "Jewry" image was the most fun part to construct... (still satire, for you other readers).
"I always look at it as growing pains for humanity. Eventually, people will look back on this time's irrational hatred of "whiteness" and "masculinity" as embarrassing,"
Yeah, I guess some day they'll be "un-feminizing" just like they are currently "un-Columbus Day'ing". Seems to be an inevitable cycle.
"Fantastic post, I'm thankful for the unique niche you fill"
I could say the same about you, my SF feed would be a lot uglier without you in it.
It's not just a minority of feminists, radicals, etc. It's the progression of the feminist thought which leads to this behavior. You need to understand that at the core of feminism is the belief that men created this world for their benefit and at the expense of others, that men keep women down to stay on top or ahead. That way of thinking inevitably leads to resentment, it's just the natural progression of the ideology.
Just to be clear, I totally agree with you.
"It's not just a minority of feminists,"
To restate: I'm not saying it's a minority of feminists (they all ascribe to the same cancerous and bigoted ideology of hatred), I'm saying a minority of WOMEN (and men) are involved in this horseshit. Because, from everything I can see, that part is true.
Note this line in my post:
"Welcome to 2017 – where we have met the enemy, and it is...a shrill, lunatic fringe minority of SJW feminists."
It's a sad truth rarely talked about how the identity politics movement hijacks the identities of individuals such as yourself to further their own controlling ends, usually to the detriment of those they claim to be protecting.
Wow, you really let loose on this one. I hope she googles her name and reads this. But then she'd have to join to respond, and steemit would become a worse place. Then again, she appears to have a secret blog so I doubt she'd want things recorded on the block anyway.
I heard something interesting the other day which fits in nicely here. I think I heard it on youtube.
"Feminism is the collective manifestation of female anger."
I like that. I think it rings pretty true.
Also, this cracked me up:
The positive correlation between "raging angry feminist" and "(almost) too gross to ever get laid" is approaching a mathematically-perfect 1.0.
You can't argue with maths. I'm dying. 😭 😭 😭
"I hope she googles her name and reads this."
I was really hoping that while I wrote this. Particularly, while I was MS-Painting her hall-of-fame letter for Der Sturmer.
Maybe Michael Moore will waddle through later, too - he's willing to do almost anything for publicity after 15 (?) years of irrelevance.
""Feminism is the collective manifestation of female anger.""
And we all know what Hell hath no fury like...
"You can't argue with maths. I'm dying."
I hope she sees it that way, too!
Thanks feminism! People think I'm exaggerating when I say they are promoting hatred towards masculinity but it's the truth. Before they started appointing themselves moderators (which happened suspiciously at the same time across the internet) from trans and gay groups online our biggest issue were fetishists and family finding 2-3 years it got to where unless you'd at least tolerate that toxic masculinity talk BS you would actually be banned from these groups. So you'd either learn how to keep your mouth shut and were marginalized, all in the name of feminism. The white hating stuff is new, hasn't been around for long but they are going the same way about it as they did the whole toxic masculinity thing. Either you agree or you are a racist...
You might appreciate this link (that you totally didn't get from me, my account has been hacked!):
"This push into male space is rarely due to a true desire to belong to a traditionally all-male institution or condition, but women are encouraged to believe they’ll make some dent in the universe simply by being the first to push past a “gender barrier.” It’s not about making a true contribution to that male institution or endeavor, but rather a goal of being ‘the first woman to do it too’."
"For all of the misdirections of a hoped for equalism, it’s not about becoming an astronaut for a woman, but rather becoming the first woman–astronaut – then moving on to being the first woman assigned to a combat role in the military, then the first woman to play at Augusta. If equalism were the real intent, we could expect the desire of the endeavor itself would supersede this, but the Feminine Imperative motivates women (and socially demotivates men’s resistance) to the first woman goal, not the actual accomplishment or excellence in that accomplishment or endeavor. The trail being blazed is less important than being the first woman trailblazer – in fact it can simply be the same trail men blazed centuries before and still be recognized as a significant accomplishment."
Fantastic post!. Of course people get crazy when they are told all their life that gender is only construct, and they get frustrated in the real world. They also have the perfect victim mentality. Who is to blame? Of course the oppressing white bigot man. I wrote a post Distinct Gender Roles As A Recipe For A Successful Society? which is trying to persuade people a little. I even posted it in a Norwegian independent newspaper.The real tragedies, like the sex grooming gang scandal, where perhaps 100 thousands of teenage girls have been used as sex slaves by muslim grooming gangs are silenced by #MeToo feminists, wanting to castrate a man for touching her thighs when drunk at a nachspiel. Funny world we live in.
I have to credit the Scandinavians on this one: they are at the forefront of both constructing and destroying toxic feminism.
This one documentary by a comedian de-funded the gender-studies programs across all of Scandinavia by succinctly showing how pretty much every "academic" involved in it is a lying, propaganda pushing, bigot:
Thanks for sharing that. I found it outstanding.
i enjyoed this when we watched it
Funny article. It is too bad, that judging whole groups of people on their attributes, not their acts now seems permissible in the mainstream--just as long as it is against the majoritarian tyrants of yore, as the mad libs points out.
I just don't get it with the anti gun statists. People can live in gun free cities tomorrow, that's what they don't realize. If we fully respected property rights and didn't let government claws come in to interfere with voluntary association, then people who want a gun free city could buy up property and make their utopia. And people want a gun full city can make theirs. With the government spying us all and treating us like cattle, I feel much safer knowing their are armed people on compounds, even though I particularly don't like guns and don't like being around them, except paintball guns.
I believe crooked H may have at one point wanted to repeal Heller. I find it very sad that so many statists want to extend tyranny to no fly no buy, want to make it so members of no fly list cannot purchase firearms. If consitutitonal right to have gun, as Heller might support, I'm not attorney, this not legal advice, then it seems putting people on a list with no public process about classification on the list and major hurdles to get off list would seem to instantly violate their rights.
How sad the statists want to put nails in the coffin of immutable constitutional rights and tradition and thresholds of beyond a reasonable doubt before state coercive action. I can't imagine how prohibition of firearms would work. But I guess it would be like drugs or prostitution. Just another racket, that instead of having markets and dialogue to let the market regulate at optimum levels instead, government makes laws no one follows then it puts it head in sand while people become felons and lose the right to vote while government kills and imprisons its own citizens for nonviolent conduct.
Whew! I have had to reassess my priorities for the day, so as to consciously resist triumphantly manspreading openly in solidarity. Fortunately, public transit is scarce in my village, so rainbow-crested, fish-mouthed andropaths have been spared the triggering sight of my implied jiggly bits.
Also, quit holding back. Let us know how you really feel. XD
"Also, quit holding back. Let us know how you really feel. XD"
Would you believe this was already edited several times for "diplomacy" (or, at least making it stick to the facts enough to sway an open minded feminist [if one exists]?)
Yeah, probably not going to have much success with that last part.
Honestly, it was way too well written to simply be stream of conciousness
Huge post man. You'll give yourself a hernia with that sort of heavy lifting!
I reckon that must have felt good to get all that off your chest. I particularly like the quote substitutions, it really does make the hypocrisy obvious to anyone who has been drinking the statist kool aid and is not used to thinking about this stuff.
"I particularly like the quote substitutions"
This was my favorite part to make as well.
"felt good to get all that off your chest."
It probably would have felt better to close and ignore the article. I write stuff like this to try and prevent other people from getting sucked into these terrible ideologies, not to rant at the wind. I'd prefer to do something other than that.
someones gotta do it
You might like this one. Saw it today in Kmart, front and centre near the checkouts. Substitute Female for Male on this t-shirt and it suddenly becomes highly offensive.
The other classic one is the girl wearing the shirt that says "I live for Male Tears" or whatever it says.
Fucking bigots, every last one of them.
That one you posted appears to be a Wonder Woman licensed thing? Maybe that was a movie tag-line? See, I'm already playing devil's advocate.
attaboy you ar seeing their side already
I am so ahead of the curve on this one, it's not even funny.
I've always gotten permission from my wife before I buy any gun, high capacity magazine or hollow point ammunition.
She even bought me a Holeb Bushman for Christmas one year!
I still live in a household where the old adage, "If Momma aint happy, aint nobody happy."
Not that I would ever call her "Momma", please for the love of God don't tell her I called her "Momma".
And I'm not hodling my breath waiting to find out what anti-depressant or moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or irritable bowel syndrome or stop smoking medication the guy in Vegas was on either. That's simply not going to happen. Because while the drugs may very well tell you to do something like that, it's always going to be the inanimate object that caused it.
"I still live in a household where the old adage, "If Momma aint happy, aint nobody happy.""
This is "happy wife, happy life."
Which is "Women matter more than men. Fuck men."
This is feminism. You are describing a feminist household.
Incidentally, this is incongruent with that machete fetish you've got there...
I prefer to view my marriage as a mutually considerate relationship, regardless of how anachronistic that makes me.
My wife is 9 years younger than me and yet so much more mature than most of the women of my age (I turned 55 this year).
We had our kids, knowing that it would affect- her career as a corporate attorney (she also happened to have graduated with honors from one of the top 12 law schools in the country; GO BLUE).
While there was about a 6 year stretch where we struggled, I'm fairly certain neither of us would change any decisions we made along the way.
I don't think of us as incongruent; more like complimentarily colinear.
Indeed, it was not a critique meant for you, but rather the silent viewer from afar.
Usually when you hear that phrase, it's not a good sign.
There was a time when Happy Wife, Happy Life didn't have that negative connotation.
My wife preferred family life to a "career" at a law firm.
Strong women helped make men great, kept them in line and, when necessary, beat the hell out of them with a broomstick to teach them a lesson.
Seems like these days, everyone is falling all over each other to be the latest "victim".
Haha! LMFAO! This is a great post! I enjoyed it very much. All I can say to those it applies to is grow some thicker skin. Life ain't all peaches and cream.
Ooooohhh boy...!!
I'm Ashamed... :/
Where the society is headed...?? :/
That makes two of us, friend.
I am ashamed that such blatant sexism and racism is considered acceptable by anyone.
Trying to understand women?? good luck
It's much easier if you observe behavior instead of listening to words.
LOLOLOL Toxic Masculinity....You've got to be shittin' me. The ideas people come up with these days are absolutely absurd. If that term isn't the essence of some made up mumbo jumbo by some Feminist Nazi to promote sexism, then I truly don't know what is.....
Post of the day my friend @lexiconical.
Thanks bud, I'm glad you liked it! It got a new comment out of you ;)
Lol, It's the gay spray from the chem-trails, now its effecting the fish.
img credz:
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