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RE: Restaurant Owner at the Center of Pizzagate, James Alefantis, Answers Questions About Pizzagate Outside Comet Pizza

in #news8 years ago (edited)

The Paedesta emails... What do you think about those? You have to admit they're suspect to say the least...

i just for the life of me can't understand why you think it's just worth completely ignoring, even if its 1000-1 that it's true... Like I said - if there's nothing to hide, there's nothing to hide.


I think there is nothing in them to support allegations of running a pedophile ring. What do you think about them?

I think emails are permissible as evidence in court my friend. ;)

though i believe it is called "digital evidence". As for the rest...i think as you watch this stuff and learn about things like when the clintons went to haiti to get a friend out of trouble for attempting to abduct 33 children...or all trips to pedo island with epstein.

There is too much NOT to want to investigate. I mean lets be rational here--if an investigation takes place and we are proven wrong, everyone will be happy. If we are right, and we dont investigate...what happens?

To me it is about that simple. I wouldn't be saying this if there werent so many damn photos with pedo symbolism (oftentimes multiple in the same photo). but after you see enough of it you just say "ok this is either an elaborate and well thought out false flag, or this is real and sick".

At that point there is only one answer imho. Investigation.

"I think emails are permissible as evidence in court my friend. ;)"

The emails literally say nothing of relevance to the claims though. You need a special 4chan decoder to turn them into something else and that point they are no longer evidence they are a 4chan fabrication. I'm not saying emails aren't a valid form of evidence in general, I'm saying these specific wikileaks emails don't support the claim pizzagaters are alleging.

I think if you slow down and weigh each claim one by one you see a pattern of poor evidence gathering or out right fabrication of evidence. The willingness of proponents for pizzagate to accept anything without question as legitimate evidence wreaks of mental illness.

Just look at the photos in this post being twisted. A little girl and her sister played a game and she had her hands taped. That is a completely sweet and innocent moment. My brother and I used to play a game called "escape" when we were kids. We would take turns tying and sometimes even taping each other to a chair as best we could, then see if the other could pull a Houdini and escape.

Then there is the baby with money in it's mouth. Let's not pretend we all haven't seen photos like the one below and laughed.

I find the pizzagaters that take issue with those instagram photos to be more twisted and suspect than James Alefantis.

"The emails literally say nothing of relevance to the claims though. You need a special 4chan decoder to turn them into something else and that point they are no longer evidence they are a 4chan fabrication."

"I'm saying these specific wikileaks emails don't support the claim pizzagaters are alleging."

And what I am asking you is: Why then do the FBI and other law agencies use compile lists of commonly used terms for various criminal industries around the world? The answer is that they put them together to help you decode emails that otherwise seem ridiculous without the cypher.

So why would they put all that time and money into forming a group of experts to compile these lists if they are not considered even somewhat telling? And why would FBI Agents searching through emails in other pedo cases using these lists to help identify the crime being committed and the likelihood of which illicit industry it is taking place in?

I think it becomes really difficult to argue that these emails do not show that something is off.

I will also say (with love and respect btw) that the fact you said all the emails seem to be talking about normal pizza-related activity makes me think you might not have read any of the emails :/

"Then there is the baby with money in it's mouth. Let's not pretend we all haven't seen photos like the one below and laughed."

I know i saw this picture and thought "how odd":

I mean isn't it odd that Laura Silsby was caught red handed trying to traffick 33 children from haiti...and the clintons along with the clinton foundation got her released? Isn't it odd that both bill and hillary have admitted to going to what has been deemed "pedo island" with their friend (a convicted pedo) Epstein over 20 times (bill) and a handful of times (hillary)?

There is a point when we have to say "this deserves a real investigation". I can't honestly see how anyone would not think we should. (not saying you are against further investigation of course).

P.S. I hope you consider what I am saying. There is a point when everything seems to point in one directly too strongly to ignore.

Forget the "pedophile ring" for one second. Please explain to me what a pizza map is and how you enjoy dominoes on cheese.

A napkin with a map to a pizza restaurant drawn on it or perhaps a napkin from a restaurant with a map on it to somewhere else. Both of those are completely believable, mundane and likely answers to that email referencing a pizza related map on a handkerchief.

It amounts to basically asking if they can throw out a note they found or if it is still needed.

Dominoes on cheese referred to playing dominoes while under the effects of cheese. This email actually made me laugh when I read it. It appears to be a tongue in cheek remark about his plan to literally eat cheese and play dominoes that evening.

Are you on the autistic or asperger spectrum by any chance? I'm being serious and mean no offense by that. It's hard to do with text but I think many people misinterpreting the emails may have trouble with inflection and understanding sarcasm.

No, I don't have to say they are suspect. Please share exactly what you think is so nefarious.

It appears you have a dog in this fight. I don't at all. What about the exact resemblance of the Paedestas to the FBI suspect CGI's?

That alone would be enough to warrant investigation if it was anyone but the elite...

The dogs I have in this fight are Steemit, sanity and reason. I'm seeing it turn into a mentally ill alt-right circle jerk. I'm not going to flag since I don't believe in censoring. Instead I am challenging these ideas on their merits. As it stands Pizzagate is an incoherent merit-less allegation.

I think people really have to look at it. I mean Contentjunkie...did you really look at all this stuff? If not I urge you to do so. I think oftentimes people thinking it is a political thing really are not actually taking the time to look at everything.

Yes it is true that if you are searching for evidence of something hard enough you will tend to find it...but this case is not that at all (at least for me).
I try my hardest to "debunk" this, but it seems as hard to "debunk" as to find smoking gun evidence. Luckily for the perps though the politicization of it has given them time to cover their tracks if we do ever find a way to get a real investigation.

I also wonder about the recent murder of a lady going to do on the ground research on the clinton foundation...

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck---its prob a duck. Need evidence? Ok test it.

Where we are at---people say "its not a duck" and dont want you to test it....because it is "fake labeling"

What is there to investigate?

  1. the emails
  2. the striking resemblance to the FBI images
  3. the grotesque artwork he indulges in
  4. his wherabouts during the Madeleine Mccann abduction.

It at least deserves looking at. If you don't agree with an honest look-see into a potential paedo ring (once again-i have no smoking gun proof) -then you my friend are one sick individual...

  1. The emails aren't evidence of anything. Magic decoder rings from 4chan don't make those emails evidence after you change the words. Yeesh.

  2. Okay we've got a resemblance which on it's own is evidence of nothing.

  3. Artwork? Really? Not evidence and not worthy of investigation.

  4. Okay so where was he? The only account of him being in Portugal that day seems to come from a secret source inside the FBI.

I will agree #2 deserves looking in to since all tips for such a heinous crime should be looked into. Also keep in mind there are millions of white men that could resemble those pictures.

the emails ---check
the striking resemblance to the FBI images ----double check
the grotesque artwork he indulges in ----will be considered too circumstantial and warrantless.
his wherabouts during the Madeleine Mccann abduction. ----good question, but unsure if the case is closed, can be reopened...etc.

The death of Monica Petersen.
The death of Andrew Breitbart.
Planned Parenthood okaying child sex traffickers for abortions for girls as young as 13.
10,000 missing refugee kids (at least).
How about those?

What reason is there to connect any of those to Podesta and HRC and the wikileaks emails?

Let's try and stick to a coherent story here. I'm pointing out that the current accusations being made based on the wikileaks emails are unfounded and you've replied by making more unfounded accusations without justify the first.

Are you able to show anything in those emails is linked to other things without invoking the 4chan decoder? is a good start...this is the sweet laura silsby who seems to have gotten into trouble trying ot traffick 33 haitian children. The clintons came to her rescue apparently with the help of their "foundation".

@contentjunkie...there is no reason i can think of on what she is giving. Though all of it seems to add up to give us a story, it is something we cannot prove. Which means that if we are TOO emphatic about getting to the "truth" but are unwilling to recognize we could be completely wrong (about a .5% chance but still a chance) ....and at that point we can be attacked for folding to "fake news". Then the powers that be can attack "fake news" and have more reason to censor grassroots media ---citing this case.

We have to be EQUALLY interested in disproving this as we are in proving it if we want to do justice to this case.

I get the feeling you're a political fan boy/girl and you're petrified that your heroes aren't who you thought. It would be unfathomable...

No, he's asking a logical question to which your bashing him and avoiding the question

Like I said above; what about the almost exact resemblance to the CGI images? That alone deserves looking into.

I have no proof, but I think you guys should be ashamed for not wanting to get to the bottom of this via the courts. What if I'm right?