
Yep, I'm makin it so that you can just upgrade the Smartcoins Wallet to Carbon right from the app store, then, C-IPFS will handle it from there so that you'll never need to worry about app stores banning these kind of crypto apps again. More and more dApps will come out soon that won't need app stores anymore, or their frign "approval".

Very cool! Apple's censorship is ridiculous. I think IPFS could change that.

Wait so you're shipping updates over IPFS? So it's a web app you're updating over IPFS... Does Apple allow that? Lol

I was looking for smartcoins wallet in a friends apple yesterday and couldnt find it..

Huh. I see a carbon-wallet-ios repo on their github, but it's empty along with its Android counterpart. That's all I know.

Yep, I created that repo yesterday since we were originally going to just put everything in the smartcoins-wallet repo and sub-dir out from there. It will be much cleaner if we separate it out this way. You'll notice I made the graphene and ipfs repos all separated out as well in there.

It isn't compatible with all phones, my samsung can't handle it

It's not compatable with mine either but I am running a ZTE... I can't wait until it does become compatable though!!