Pretty sure I head chump say he was a globalist.
And the "globalists" are innessemse the world banking elites. Rothschild,merriman and the thrives at Goldman Sachs.
Yet trump puts these guys in his cabinet,and known globalists are running the armed forces. Heck Mattis is in the apology tour right now.
Americans thought they elected an American first president.
The truth is they elected Hillary Clinton,because the policies are the exact same.
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You're welcome to your opinion but I believe you are mistaken. There is the "Globalists" which want a New World Order and then Trump said he was a Globalist in the way he is conducting buisness with each country separately without an EU being involved, etc.
Also his biggest problems are controlling RINOS in his house that he needed to hire due to him needing their help to show him how the system is run. They are the real threat. The Dems are just whiny babies who want chaos. The Republicans are the ones close enough to stab him in the back metaphysically (this includes the Goldman Sachs bankers). Also he is nowhere close to Hillary. She wanted to increase refugees 500%.