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RE: As War Drums Beat for Syria, Remember, Lies And Propaganda Started Nearly Every War In US History

in #news6 years ago

If we are going to invade another nation (Syria) let's at least get Congress to do their job. Congress should wage this war, not the President.
Also, if Congress wants a war with Russia, they should wage that war with Russia.
Let's put Congress on the hot seat. Will they do their job and really take the blame for two separate and illegal wars of aggression?
Or will they continue to let the President commit war crimes himself?


Yeah it is weird that congress hasnt declared a war

They should at least vote on it. I would be happier if the vote failed...which it might. Some say Congress and Britain's Parliament would NOT pass a both the PRes and Prime Minister acted alone.

But if Congress does wage least the voters get to speak soon, in upcoming Congressional elections.