Putting Picking Up in Five Regions in Aceh

in #news7 years ago


Aceh - A tornado hit five regions in Aceh Province. A number of residents' houses were damaged.

Since yesterday, a tornado hit a number of areas in Aceh, said Head of the Aceh Disaster Management Agency (BPBA) Teuku Ahmad Dadek in a statement on Monday (6/18/2018).

He said that the area hit by tornadoes included Pidie Jaya Regency, Aceh Besar, Central Aceh, Bireun and Sabang City.

In Pidie Jaya, a community housing unit is being built in the village of Gampong Raya, Trienggadeng sub-district reportedly collapsed. Then a garage unit belonging to the local Gampong-Owned Enterprise (BUMG) also collapsed. Including electricity poles in the Meuko Kuthang area, Bandar Dua District.

While in the city of Sabang, a tornado occurred on Sunday precisely in the District of Suka Karya. A number of trees fell to close the road. A similar incident also occurred in Linge District, Central Aceh. A tornado hit residents' homes until it collapsed.

A similar incident also occurred in Central Aceh. This time befall the house belonging to Mahmuddin Umur (45). The house inhabited by Mahmuddin and his wife and children collapsed in a tornado. Events in some of these areas did not cause and cause casualties, including no residents who were forced to evacuate, added Dadek.

While the BMKG Information and Data Section Head of Blang Bintang Station, Zakaria said that for the next three days the Province of Aceh still has the potential for bad weather. The reason is because of the wind deflection in the Aceh region, in addition there is also an increase in the coastal Indian ocean surface temperature of the Aceh which resulted in an increase in evaporation of water vapor.

With the amount of water vapor in the air and the coldness of the top layer of air, condensation or condensation occurs so that it becomes a cloud of confective clouds which results in rain fall.

newsacehterkiniPart 2.

We urge people to always be alert to heavy rain and strong winds that can cause electric poles / fallen trees, or broken branches. For highland areas it is necessary to increase special precautions such as landslides. For the fishermen must also be aware of the sudden arrival of high waves, call Zakaria to AFP on Monday (6/18/2018).

Source: Seconds
Photo: Datuk Haris Maulana

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Postingan Keren,, saya ingin mengikuti anda dan saya harab anda bisa mengikuti saya Balik mohon kerja samanya salam @zikrisetiawan