RFID Implants A New Normal In Sweden - The Era Of Technocratic Enslavement Is Here

in #news7 years ago

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In this video, I sit down with author and economic analyst John Sneisen to talk about the insane acceptance of RFID chip implants in Sweden following several stories involving their use in daily life.

Though they've been used by many businesses on the work force, they're not being used for commuting.

Most recently, SJ, Sweden's railroad company has given customers the ability to get RFID implants in their hands to be scanned on trains in order to cut out the ticket process. Convenient? Well for those who want to track you they are.


There is an incredibly disturbing push for technocratic overtaking on a global scale. From centrally planned cashless systems (or a cashless society if you will) in places like India, China, Australia and Sweden, to a vast surveillance state where everyone is monitored everywhere, at all times.

When you piece together the puzzle, it becomes incredibly alarming.

From a fraudulent debt based monetary system which by design forces individuals into debt enslavement as the price of living is perpetually inflated, to market manipulation by the state which destroys small businesses, monopolizes massive industries and kills innovation, employment, competition all under the guise of stopping that very thing via taxation and regulation.

Then we have endless wars and intervention throughout the world risking our safety and creating new enemies on a daily basis. We also have the destruction of self defense through gun grabs. We have mass divide as the culture is brainwashed by public schools (indoctrination camps) and mainstream media (adult indoctrination camps).

The food and water have become unsafe to consume long term. People use the problems as the solutions to the problems and repeat.


This puzzle fits together well and not in our favor. We're being used as pawns to sacrifice for the king and the queen and it's about time we do something about it. Or forever revere the chains.

See the FULL video report here:

Stay tuned as we continue to cover these incredibly important issues facing us from all facets of life.

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Thanks for reporting on this. Mark of the beast is closer than we want to admit.


Aaron Russo -- RFID Human Implant Chip

Thought provoking video - like a real-world version of Huxley's Brave New World. It's amazing to me how prescient Huxley's warning is to our current day. In the name of safety, security, and comfort, think of all the freedoms we give up each day.

Great written summary. I did not have the time to watch the interview. I will, later. Thanks so much.

Great analysis and synopsis of the western democratic freedom system. You have succinctly stated my greatest fears for my children and the majority of this 🌎!! Thank you.

Sweden is a test bed for cashless FIAT and super controlled big-brother matrix.....funnily, the people there all seem to love this vibe.

No wonder people leave Sweden...this globalists trying control people bullshit is getting out of hand...

Upvoted & RESTEEMED!

Good information

The Illuminati is flexing so hard.... they'll never chip me!

sweden is watching you...

Most people already carry something that tracks their movement 24/7. I guess it's good that you can turn them off, but what about cellphones? As long as the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and we're not forced to have them who cares?

cana vez mas viguilados esclavisados y demas y lo peor es las mismas personas lo promueven

WTF this is a bad idea

Excellent! I view those as signs that its starting to crack. Totalitarianism is at its peek, and we will soon see the collapse.

Damnnnnn.....end of times...smh.. scary stuff :(
Definitely following for more info :) :) Kayleigh

We already carry cellphones which are the ultimate spy device, so how far away is this scenario. With the right Apple style marketing, it may come to pass.

If you get get past the fear mongering, here is John McAfee's take.