Citation Nation: Cop Writes Man a Ticket for Broken Windshield as He’s Getting it Fixed

in #news7 years ago

Denver, CO – Nick Berlin was pulled over by police and ticketed for having a broken window, This was in spite of the fact that he was in the parking lot of an auto-glass workshop and had an appointment to get the window fixed at the same moment he was getting the ticket.

Berlin, who was the victim of vandalism just a day before, had quickly made an appointment to get his window fixed after someone threw a rock at it and cracked it.

The whole staff was waiting in the parking lot to fix his car when they saw the officer writing him a ticket, and the officer apparently did not want to hear any excuses.

“I got a ticket for something that I was close as I could be to resolving,” Nick Berlin said. “I don’t know if he’s a no-nonsense kind of cop, it was definitely a bummer,” he added.

Local news team ABC13 was able to confirm his story by pulling up the records from the auto glass shop and comparing those records with the time and date found on the ticket. They discovered that as Berlin explained to the officer, he had made the appointment moments before and was on his way to get the problem fixed.

Shop owner David Sprague and his crew were astonished by the actions of this overzealous officer and said that there was no reason to pull Berlin over in the first place.

“We were just standing here in our door and were ready for his appointment and all of the sudden we see a cop out there writing the guy a ticket, We were pretty astounded to think that was what happened,” Sprague said.

“He had plenty of visibility on the driver side,” he added.

While the Sheriff’s Department has refused to comment on the issue, the American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado pointed out that this is an illustration of how police are more concerned with enforcing codes and writing tickets than actually protecting people.

“The more and more police officers see their role as ticketing as opposed to protecting public safety, that has a tendency to erode the public trust,” Denise Maes of the ACLU said.

Shop owner David Sprague has offered to cover Berlin’s $46 fine if he is not able to beat it in court.

This is content that I created for a website that I write for called The Free Thought Project:
(sources for article are hyperlinked at the site above)
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John Vibes is an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. He also has a publishing company where he offers a censorship free platform for both fiction and non-fiction writers. John is currently battling cancer , and will be working to help others through his experience, if you wish to contribute to his treatments consider subscribing to his podcast to support at


I would definately fight it in court. I had my windshield broken as well and officer pulled me over and gave me just a warning to fix it. I guess I was pulled by common sense 🤔 ng cop.

Your blog awesome ..

i undwrstand your blog..anarchy isnt good.
thanks for sharing....

@riyad11, you may be unclear about the truth behind anarchy but, what we have now is not good for sure. The state provides a mechanism through which psyco/sociopaths can exhert conscripted "athority" over their fellow man, thinly veiled by the claim of protecting the subjegated. After seeing so many stories like this, I'd rather have the uncertanty of freedom over what the state is calling safety.
I encourage you to look deeper into the true meaning & philosphy of anarchy. I think you'll find it fits much better into your world view than what we have now.

Why isn't anarchy good?

beacuse it create war.thats why i mean it is bad..
please pardon me😭

So governments don't create war?

Isn't government responsible for all the current and past wars?

Pretty sure that the overwhelming majority of wars throughout history have involved governments, and not anarchists...

That officer may have toed the line of the law but he is a real cunt. The man was getting it fixed WTF. This is what happens when cops get detached from the people they serve and detached from humanity. I would expect such behaviour from a robot not a human.

Cops have to set their humanity aside to conduct the buisness of an order follower.

While this story is sadly not surprising (cops are largely revenue generators, after all), I think the most disturbing thing might be the victim's response.

“I got a ticket for something that I was close as I could be to resolving,” Nick Berlin said. “I don’t know if he’s a no-nonsense kind of cop, it was definitely a bummer,” he added.

That's the Stockholm Syndrome of statist indoctrination right there. The reference to a "no-nonsense cop" is indicative of the "well it's the law" mentality. In the word(s) of the Mango Mussolini, "Sad!"

Denver cops are butts.