When Jasprit Bumara is playing in the field for India, then there is a bad news coming out. The body was found by Bumrah's missing grandfather, Santok Singh Bumra. The 84 year old who went to Ahmedabad to go to see the beloved grandson. He was missing since Friday. Finally, the local fire service recovered its body from the Sabarmati river today. Indian media reports, maybe this old man can have committed suicide. Because, he was not fortunate to meet the grandson.
Whatever the real reason, Broomara's grandfather is in the final stages of life with great sad consequences. Once upon a time, the successful businessman of Gujarat, three factory owners, Santok lived by autorickshaw at the end of his life. A young boy like Bumrah, but the sad story of the successful cricketer's granddaughter has been printed in newspapers. After the death of Bumra's father Jasbir, Santok went to Uttarakhand to save everything. There were auto run.
Broom's dad's family is susceptible to his widow's mother. Because, for 17 years, Bumder's grandfather could not see his grandson. Bamara's birthday on December 6th saw that he would see the granddaughter. But Bumrah's mother did not give her son's address or phone number anything, Santok. It is claimed that Santok's daughter, Bumra's Fappu Rajinder On 1 December, Santok was rushed to the house of the girl Rajindar in Ahmedabad.
Ahmadabad Mirror's report states that Santok was born with a sense of disappointment for not seeing granddaughter. Then he called another boy, Bukhara's uncle, Balvindar, and said that he is going to meet the wife of a healthy wife. Rajender's claim, 'Mother of Mother Dulajit Kaur is a teacher of a local school. After we went to meet him, he did not agree with Jaspreet's father. Not even a phone number. My father got so much trouble. He left my house on Friday noon and did not return. '
Bumrah's mother did not agree to comment on this.
Meanwhile, Bumra is playing the first ODI of Sri Lanka series for India in Dharmashala. He was bowling very well. The pace bowler was at the field when the news of the news spread. As a result, his reaction was not known.
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