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RE: The Event: Hurricane and Eclipse Gives a Sign of the End?

in #news7 years ago

I do feel like its really weird times right now. I've thought a lot about all the different ways society will collapse and how the world may end. I have also thought about how I am completely unprepared for either of those things. One thing I have never really thought about was biblical prophecy end times. Luckily I live in the good ol U S of A, which is conveniently on the other side of the world from Armageddon. From my limited knowledge on the subject, my understanding is Armageddon is the final battle and it will be the world versus Israel? if that's the case, do you think they meant the United States will be against Israel also? I really wish god would of remembered to clarify these things in the bible. And why didn't he give us a shout out in his good book? We give his people over 3 billion a year in military aid, we could really help our own country out with an extra 3 billion a year, but no we give it to his people to occupy their land and he's like, "America , haven't heard of them"


Yes, Armageddon is a place.
US might not be against Israel, but some prophecy tellers say that the US would deny help to Israel as the final straw.

I agree that there will be signs and they will be obvious.

At some point, all countries will fight against Israel. America will either participate in the new Order, be too weak to matter anymore, or be decimated. No one knows.