Hillary Rodhan Clinton is on her death bed (ICU)?

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Information was released yesterday from someone who has been spot on with their information in the past. They have previously broken stories news outlets took days to release. Some of the things I cannot or have not confirmed, so determine for yourself if you think this is true.

Recently released on PasteBin are progress notes for Clinton. First entry lists...

"Mental status rapidly declined over past 24 hours. Arousable by loud voice commands, but immediately lapses into stupor without further response.

MAP failed to improve with further increase in norepinephrine.
CPP < 50 despite increase of ventilatory rate in an effort
to decrease ICP.

Cererbal perfusion disturbances were observed on repeated

Diffusion-weighted imaging - cytotoxic and vasogenic edema
as well as neuronal damage

EEG - not utilized due to continued benzodiazepene infusion

Global Irreversible Brain Damage caused by Sepsis-Associated Encephalopathy."

The second entry, on 9/13/2016, shocked me. She actually has pneumonia and is dying from Sepsis. I thought they were only lying to cover up neurological issues.
"Hillary Clinton talks to CNN's Andersoon Cooper via phone http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/12/politics/hillary-clinton-health-transparency/index.html

Audio is the spoken voice of Hillary Rodham Clinton. However the quick chat with
Anderson Cooper was scripted and rehearsed which is why it sounds canned.

Remember, "This is CNN."

Hillary Clinton is in a high-security, secluded and private, intensive care unit with
4:1 nursing 24/7. She also has a team of physicians representing practically every
medical specialty. There are no other patients anywhere near her secure care setting.

She is dying of Sepsis. She is on broad-spectrum "big-gun" antibiotics to treat
the pnenumonia. However she is still severely immunocompromised and the antibiotics
are not anticipated to be curative. The pneumonia has continued to worsen and cause
further damage to her lungs."

Even a local ABC News anchor has reported her as being dead, but I think this was only jumping the gun. She is dying of sepsis and her death is imminent. Prognosis says death will happen no later than October 12th, 2016. Do you think this is the October Surprise our rulers were thinking about?
  1. Oropharyngeal Cancer diagnosed and treated with partial surgical
    resection of the base of her tongue in conjunction with targeted
    stereotactic radio-surgery.

  2. Coagulapathy caused by Oropharyngeal Cancer which has metastasized
    to lymphatic nodes.

  3. Early-onset Vascular Dementia caused by aforementioned Coagulapathy

  4. Complex partial seizures and/or abcence seizures caused by small
    infarcts or lesser ischemic damage to her cerebral vasculature;
    vascular damage itself is caused by aforementioned Coagulapathy

  5. Hypothyroidism as a side effect of radiotherapy.

  6. Immunodefiency as a side effect of radiotherapy.

  7. Pneumonia as a complication of Immunodeficiency.

  8. Sepsis and septic shock

  9. Acute Lung Injury which appears to be progressing to ARDS.

  10. Global Irreversible Brain Damage caused by Sepsis-Associated Encephalopathy.

  11. Putative Brain Death - Patient too unstable for apnea test.
    Awaiting confirmation from SSEP and possible nuclear medicine study.

Death no later than October 12, 2016."

We shall see if this turns out to be true. This election could turn out to be crazier than it already has. Thoughts?

Update: Here are the titles for some of the articles that ABC, CNBC, and CNN are pushing today.
  • ABC "Hillary Clinton Returns to Campaign Trail Amid More Scrutiny About Her Health"
  • CNBC "Clinton back on campaign trail after releasing health info"
  • CNN "Hillary Clinton Returns to Campaign Trail Amid More Scrutiny About Her Health"
  • We know she owns these places so usually what they spin is the opposite of reality. Still waiting to see video of her up and moving around and talking to others since her collapse at the 9/11 ceremony.

    Update 2: Below is the video of Clinton speaking for the first time after her "minor" episode on 9/11. If you watch the video pay attention to her when she attempts to speak about things that happened in the past. Something is up. I also spoke with the source who provide the initial link. They say their source is very good with their information but at times can be wrong. Maybe the dates listed are off and that was more directly after 9/11? She spoke for only 30 minutes. What is the longest she has spoken in the past two months? Do you think someone with millions to throw at hiding something that is wrong with them could pull it off? If they could would they look like she does? I don't know, but if she drops before the election we will know this to be true.

    Video of her speech:

    Check out the size of the crowd that showed up to witness her "health".

    Update 3: Last one, unless she dies soon... Wikileaks recently released that Clinton has/had Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis (Stroke). One of the symptoms is a blood clot:

    "In most cases of cavernous sinus thrombosis, a blood clot forms in the cavernous sinuses to try to prevent bacteria spreading further into the body. This is known as thrombosis.

    However, the clot usually blocks the flow of blood away from the brain. This increases the pressure in the cavernous sinuses and can cause damage to the brain, eyes and central nervous system.

    In addition, the blood clot is often unable to prevent the spread of infection. If the condition is left untreated, the infection can spread through the bloodstream, causing blood poisoning (sepsis)."

    Sepsis is what the PasteBin file says she is dying from... we shall see.

    My name is Jeffrey Hann, @jeffreyahann, and I'm an anarchist/voluntarist, Army veteran, business analyst, graphics and website designer, and content creator. I have a passion for truth and being logical, which eventually lead me to anarchism. I strive to live my life through voluntary actions and valuing rights. I co-own Journalistic Revolution (Facebook and YouTube) and JRev Radio (Facebook). We strive to be a factual and honest open sourced news organization.

    Well I think I speak for everyone when I say we can all pray for a miracle.
    The only question is which miracle do we pray for?

    I know which one I hope for... lol

    I had read somewhere that sepsis is only survived by 5% of people who suffer through it. When my father was very ill, he was very lucky to survive it with major antibiotics and critical care...and a month-long stay at the hospital. He died about 3 years later from liver cancer.
    Political opinion aside, I don't wish it on anyone.

    I am sorry for your lost but am glad you had that you had the extra time with him. I can see where many would not wish something like that upon any person. If she does have it then we will find out within the next month. If she is guilty with half the stuff credited to her then she deserves it, my opinion. My morality is saved for those who do not violate rights. Thanks for the response!

    Interesting, the multiple illnesses described are specific to suggest the source is extremely close to the campaign staff or medical providers. Was this an absolute from the source or hypothesis. Im curious because of the information available is abundant with theories, however there has been no deffinitave proof on prognosis otger than neurological ilness. Thank you for the post good read.

    I agree, which is why I put the disclaimer at the start of the article. Where I got the link was from someone who has gotten info way before any news site started reporting before. I view it as creditable from all the issues and lies her campaign has pushed. Something is up. We will find out over the next month if this is true. No way she could handle a real debate now. I think that would be the only thing she could do to dispel "rumors". Her body double wouldn't be able to fake being her for any real amount of time. Lol

    Something that I found interesting was the lack of horror or surprise her caretakers, secret service, or drivers showed when she utterly collapsed head first into the van at the 9/11 ceremony. Take a look at the video... not one person looks shocked or dismayed. They are all quick to provide cover and block the view, but not one of them looks shocked and dismayed. To me these are the faces of people who have become accustomed to dealing with her seizures or spells.

    Exactly, they were not surprised nor did they panic. Definitely trained for it. She is speaking live in N.C. right now so I'm not sure. She would work herself to death to become president. I'm trying to get further information regarding this pastebin.com file. We shall see though. Maybe she'll drop live on camera and we won't have to worry about her again.

    Death bed? Hmmm. I guess she had a miraculous recovery because she gave a speech in No. Carolina today.

    What is the truth condition of her?