Moscow court blocks Telegram telecommunications app; this comes following the chat app’s record-breaking $1.7B ICO; the move was reportedly motivated by Telegram’s refusal to grant intelligence authorities access to users' encrypted messages - Link
Bitmain cleared for Bitcoin mining operations in the US; the port of Walla Walla unanimously approved a purchase and lease option for land on which Bitmain will construct a crypto mining facility; Bitmain’s Ant Creek subsidiary has yet to agree to the terms of the deal - Link
Kyrgyzstan’s patent records to be digitized through Russian IPChain association; this news came at the IPQuorum forum, where it was announced that the patent records will be stored in a new blockchain-based database; this comes as governments around the world are increasingly adopting blockchain technology - Link
Release of the first Overwinter-compatible Zcash node software, Zcash 1.1.0 version announced; the first block of Overwinter will likely be mined on the 25th of June; this new release marks a major step in laying the groundwork for increased Overwinter adoption - Link
Major German stock exchange, Sowa Labs, to launch cryptocurrency trading application; the application will reportedly be called ”Bison” and will be widely available in September of 2018; notably, the app will be free to join and offer commission-free trading - Link
Australian tax treatment of cryptocurrencies outlined in Australian tax document; the paper touches on the different aspects of transacting with cryptocurrency; it also provides insight on how Australian capital gains taxes work in relation to cryptocurrency investing - Link
Bank of England Governor Mark Carney states that ”cryptocurrencies are not a risk to the financial state; this comment was followed by noting that since cryptocurrencies are now part of the financial system, it needs to be understood that this comes with great responsibilities - Link
TREZOR announces new release of TREZOR Password Manager; the latest version is 0.6.1, and this brings several new features to the software; the update enables compatibility with TREZOR Chrome extension as well as WebUSB - Link
Yahoo Japan acquires a minority stake in cryptocurrency exchange; the exchange is the Japanese ”BitArg Exchange Tokyo”; Yahoo Japan reportedly acquired 40% of the exchange, to a valuation of $19M - $27M; the exchange is set to launch in the autumn of this year - Link
Bitfinex performance update centered around deployment of Hive; Hive is a multi-threaded, multi-process, distributed matching engine that centers on speed, scalability, and stability; this will allow traders on Bitfinex to more readily react to changing market conditions and price movements - Link