The incident happened in the upazila sadar Sadar upazila sadar upazila on behalf of Ziaur Rahman Foundation. At one stage, the party's central international affairs co-editor musician Baby Najinon was forced to leave the venue. Local sources said that, on the occasion of the 82th birth anniversary of Ziaur Rahman, on the occasion of the 82th birth anniversary of Ziaur Rahman Foundation, for the distribution of blanket among the cold-hearted people, the shamyaana and the stage were made at first Syedpur Bangla High School ground, but later they were shifted to Makbool Hossain BMI College ground situated in the Patwari Para of the city. The General Secretary Dr. Farhad halim donor and BNP's international affairs co-editor musician Baby Najinen and other leaders came to the venue. Shortly after the program began, some BNP activists and activists of Syedpur municipal mayor Amjad Hossain started the hartgol with the presence of Baby Najin. If the child was not present, they would have boycotted the program and did not take 90 rupees blanket slogans. At the same time, after the tension, the Baby left the venue and held meetings with the activists of the BNP's Syedpur office. At that time, he said those who staged a protest against the distribution of blankets of Ziaur Rahman Foundation were not soldiers of genuine Zia. They do not love Ziaur Rahman and BNP. Those who really love BNP, they have taken Zia's ideology passionately, they can not do such dirty work. Those who are genuinely BNP, all are with me. District BNP member and former Upazila Chairman Advocate Obaidur Rahman, Publicity Secretary Abdul Khalek, district volunteer group convenor Shafiqul Islam Jony, district Juba Dal president Anwar Hossain Pramanik, municipal BNP president Shamsul Alam, municipal Jubo Dal president Tariq Aziz, president of Chhatra Dal president Rezwan Akhter Pappu , General secretary Shafiqul Islam were also present.
ground situated
kno force kora holo?
Kibhabe bolbo
জেলা বিএনপির সদস্য ও সাবেক উপজেলা চেয়ারম্যান এডভোকেট ওবায়দুর রহমান, প্রচার সম্পাদক আবদুল খালেক, জেলা স্বেচ্ছাসেবক আহ্বায়ক শফিকুল ইসলাম জনি, জেলা যুবলীগের সভাপতি আনোয়ার হোসেন প্রামানিক, পৌর বিএনপি সভাপতি শামসুল আলম, পৌর যুবলীগের সভাপতি তরিকজ আজিজ, ছাত্রলীগের সভাপতি রেজওয়ান আখতার প্যাপু, সাধারণ সম্পাদক শফিকুল ইসলামও উপস্থিত ছিলেন।
Ashole ki tai ki
ek comment koybar korbi?
good singer
Asholei naki bhaiya?